Let me ask you a question. How many questions a day do you think a four year old asks??
Well I googled it. Generally the answers ranged from 425 to 500. Ummm. Is that before 7am? Honestly. My life is a series of questions now. Each question starts with ‘Mommy. Did you know’ or ‘Mommy, Can I ask you a question?’ Every thing out of his mouth starts with Mommy.
Am I complaining? Sort of. I’m thankful that he’s inquisitive. I’m blessed that I have a little person who calls me Mommy. But I’d be a flat out liar if I said I don’t want to buy some earplugs and just guess at the answers a solid 70% of the time. It reminds me of when my grandmother was at her high point of her dementia and I would tune her out and just nod or shake my head.
The majority of his questions are more stats posed as questions.
Mommy, did you know…
that Hannukah lasts for 8 days and Christmas is just one because we eat turkey and Hannuakah people don’t?
that a person could be a limo driver or a scientist when they get older?
my friend X got sent to the office today because she wasn’t paying attention and it’s very, very important to always pay attention.
It’s an ongoing verbal diarrhea And it’s another one of those moments where I really wish my mother was here so I could apologize to her. Because, I know where he gets this from. Me. I never shut up as a kid. EVER. People would say I’m still like that. So from his donor, he gets big beautiful lips and a happy nature. From me, he gets a curiosity about public washrooms and a continuous stream of dialogue.
Today I called him Yappy McYapperson and he asked why. (that’s a question!). I said because you never ever stop talking. He smiled and said, “I know. I love to talk!!’ “Mommy don’t you love to talk?” AAAAAAAHHHHHHH.
What about you? Do you have a talker on your hands? (That was two questions).
*FYI – His mouth is closed here…and he didn’t speak for about a minute. Paralyze the kid with fear, and you have silence!*
Love all the questions! Try having three kids that start their sentences with “mommy” I want to go batty most days…..soon enough they won’t want to talk to us! It’s hard….I do tell them I am changing my name to dad though and then they laugh…my kids at times say “Christina Nayyar!” And have to say that makes me laugh….and they get my full on attention… I find myself looking up answers when I don’t know them….and I do say “actually mommy doesn’t know, but we can find out”. Andrew asked me how bees make honey while driving the other day and I responded with….” They all go and collect pollen and go back to the hive and kiss each other and make sweet honey” he rolled his eyes at me and laughed and said “I don’t think they do that!”
What does “props” mean?
What’s maison in english?
Is there a jail by WalMart?
What does “figured” mean?
Where do the police buy handcuffs?
What does “tag” mean?
What does “shed” mean?
These are a few of the questions Cuyler asked me last night.
All it is is questions. ALL THE FREEEKIN TIME.
I am, in all seriousness, a human dictionary for him. He constantly wants to know what words mean.
My only comfort is in the fact that he is asking questions.
With words that I wasn’t sure he would ever speak. So I gotta suck it up and be grateful that he’s talking. But ohmygawd sometimes it drives me bonkers.
Madame never shuts up. And I do believe it’s the beginning part of, “Mummy?” that makes me the craziest. In fact, I sometimes just beg her NOT to begin with “mummy” and just start talking. But it doesn’t work… she still drives me batty.
On long car trips, she natters like a fool until we need to ask her to stop for a while, and a minute later, she’ll be snoring in the back…
Um. And she gets her chattiness from me, mos def. Her father is practically mute, as you know. 😉