I’m 44 today. I have no issue with it. I didn’t mind turning 30 or 40. The milestones don’t mean a lot to me. My age only freaks me out when I think about my parents when they were 44. They were OLD. Please! I will say this. I feel better, younger, fitter, more settled….happier….at 44 then I have on any of my previous 43 birthdays.
I am melancholy today though because since I’ve had Will, I feel like birthdays are a celebration between mother and birthday boy or girl. I lay awake last night wondering what she was thinking 44 years ago, before she went in to give birth to me. I was picturing her pregnant with me, while looking after three other kids under the age of 6, not to mention a puppy and my father! I visualize her lying in bed, having a smoke and thinking ‘what the hell was I thinking having a fourth!’
I know that when it’s Will’s birthday, I want to celebrate us and not just him. His birth was our first real experience together. For nine months, that kid sucked the life out of me, and I will NEVER forget the day he made his first appearance. I tell him his birth story all the time because I never asked my mom what mine was. I wish I had.
I’m keeping a five-year diary (thanks Nancy for the idea!) It asks you a question a day and each day has a space for five years of answers. Last night it said ‘if you could change places with one person for one day, who would it be and why?’ No hesitation, I wrote, ‘my mom, so she could have the chance to meet Will.’ But I’ll tell you, I’d leave that kid a list of questions to ask her…top of the list would be, what was my birth day like?
Do you know yours? How did you make your entrance?
OK..so it wasn’t the Morgan’s …it was the Clements…I can still see them riding their bikes to our place on the home movies!
happy birthday to yooooooooo!
this goes back to reading diaries…my dad keeps one but it’s more of a “farm journal” than anything…weather, how the corn is doing, etc… he has been transcribing it to the computer and it was open so i decided to take a peek at my birthday.
sunny, jackie in labour, dropped her at the hospital, went to the farm and told dad, corn good, went home and got a call, baby girl. will go visit after lunch, clouds starting to roll in.
🙂 i love how he just dropped her off at the hospital! that’s how it was done back in the day!
thanks Darl…who were the Morgans?? I never knew that was the origin of Tricky Suzy!
Oh goodness… that photo is amazing. You look just the same!
I do know my birth story, but only the actual birth-part. I should ask about what my mum’s day was like… funny, that. I never thought to ask.
I’m so glad to know that you feel well and healthy and good in your bones, woman – you certainly look it! Happy Birthday, Edith!!! xoxoxox
I don’t know mine either. I think it was somewhat unspectacular compared to my younger brother’s. I need to ask!
Sara, I love the picture of you and your mom! LOVE. You look just like you! Have a good day- sending you best wishes- these days have melancholia for sure but treat yourself to something yummy with the little man! xx
So, I can’t tell you what Mom was thinking…but we all got shipped out to the Morgan’s to stay..I am sure that Dad was out having a scotch.
I know that that is when I made Tricky Suzy to give her and I still have Tricky Suzy and the notes that I sent with her to the hospital.
I I would trade places with her too…for the same reason…