” I love my friends. They only take the important stuff seriously. Never themselves “
You know those women who are really uptight and always have to do everything a certain way, and think before they speak, wear loose cardigans in dull colours and try recipes before they serve them, think only about shopping and renovating and dont know how to laugh anymore? They aren’t my friends. My friends bring cookies like these when they come to dinner at my house.
Can you guess what they are? Loosen up. Let me know. Answer will be in tomorrow’s post.
get that man a pair of honorary breasts and admit him into the “girl club” 🙂
atta boy
As Jerry Seinfeld would say – “Dolores!!”
Good you all win the prize. We get to remain friends.
but for funniest answer -Jason- Georgia Okeefe paintings – very good. Now for bonus points; does the man in the group know what the red candy heart is and how to find it?
At first I was gonna say they were Easter eggs, but the smarties at the top gave away what they really are.
The one in the front and the one in the back need some “Clean and Dry Intimate Wash”
my words for wednesday on this…speechless! LOL ;P
Well, now, who doesn’t love a vajajay cookie?!!
DUDE!!! Oh my god!!! Hilarious!
Ohh and here I thought my mind was going in the wrong direction… There’s a cookie someone would like to eat….
Georgia O’Keeffe paintings?
Your friends are MY kinda friends!! *snort* Hi-larious!!
omg…am i a dirty girl or are those *ahem* lady parts?