Occasionally opportunities present themselves that quite simply cannot be turned down.
After a long weekend up north that included a few too many cocktails, my lovely wife and I found ourselves finally at home on Monday night, clothes and extra food unpacked, laundry on and kids downstairs fed and deeply immersed in video game. And, after a full weekend on the dock and in the water, this downtime was fully deserved for them and was fully needed for our cloudy heads.
So there we were, lying on the bed in a various state of undress. A bit hot, but the air conditioner was now on, offering a gentle, cool breeze across our semi-naked bodies. Kids were content downstairs and totally happy to not be bothered by any potential responsibility driven queries from their parents.
Things were looking up.
Sensing a familiar haze in the air, I quickly went from semi to fully naked and gave my wife the why not look. It was a gamble and could have gone many different ways. A rolling of the eyes, a loud guffaw, a malignant sigh, they were all equally in play. But, thankfully, the hangover hornies – an affliction I suffer from always, but only occasionally affects my wife – led to this hasty conversation:
Her: Will we hear them if they come up the stairs?
Me: Of course, they move like a herd of elephants.
Her: But you’re naked
Me: So? (I am a pretty naked guy)
Her: What will you tell them?
Me: That I am going to have a shower.
And scene. Well not really, but that’s all I am offering. The kids were none the wiser as we lay breathless on our unkempt bed. I jumped into the shower and my hot wife curled up for a mini post-coital nap.
It was the perfect secret storm.
Sometimes being intimate means capturing the risky, illicit moments scattered throughout our lives. They are rare and not always possible, but when it does happen, we high five and wink at each other for the rest of the night.
Do you ever take advantage of these rare clandestine moments to get it on?
If we didn’t try and sneak those moments when they are watching tv, I’m not sure when the hell we’d ever do it… Of course, it’s not always a roaring success, with our small people’s tendency to come asking for things or getting into squabbles taht are serious mood-killers, but, you know, risk, reward, blahdy blah.
been there. done that. thank you nintendo. 😉
aah! my eyes! 🙂 just kidding…i think the nights (or days) of hours long, weekend filling romps are quite done and by the time they are able to start up again i’ll need a break for stretching and water 5 minutes in!