My two boys think boobs are funny. They think saying the word boob is funny. They think the giant boobs of the giant women in lingerie in the display windows at the mall are funny. They think my wife’s occasionally naked while changing boobs are funny. Heck, they think my useless boobs are funny.
I know I should be using the word breasts. And I am very much respectful of women and the unique function of their bodies, including their breasts. I communicate this to both of my boys (age appropriately) when necessary. I do not ogle or nudge nudge wink wink when something salacious falls in our television laps. I do recognize and comment on beauty in front of my boys, in both women and men, which they still don’t understand. Not just the men part, they are confused that I could find any other women beautiful besides their striking mother.
Blogger to wife interlude: Which, of course is true, right my darling? Can I rub your feet? Offer you a glass of Pinot?
Look, I remember being in grade four. I remember the percolating fascination with all the fleshy bumps and juts that some girls were starting to develop (and some announcing with aggression). Looking at the yogaization of girl’s fashion these days and boys will be seeing more tight fitted clothing than I did during the track pant and sweat shirt era of my youth. I get that my nine year old will be giggling with his mates about the word boob and other words/ phrases that may not be entirely sensitive and respectful to women. So far, my wife and I have done a pretty good job explaining to Hud about the impact of certain words. Why uttering them can be perceived as being disrespectful and – in even more severe cases – hurtful, to women, to anyone.
Now, I am also a realist. I occasionally hide my underlying smirk when they see something risqué in the real or virtual world that makes them point and giggle. Our five year old just thinks he knows what the heck his brother is laughing at so that makes it even funnier. Sometimes boob is just a funny word.
I am not perfect. I love women and appreciate them for all things I am not, and for the traits and thought processes we share. My wife, my sisters, my mother, my stepmother, my mother in law, my female friends all have positive influences on my life and I will try to relay this appreciation to my boys.
I also appreciate how women look. How they smell. How their skin occasionally glistens. How one subtle look from my wife can make me melt like weak wax and puddle to the floor.
So what is the best way to talk to my boys about boobs without acting like one? To start them down the road to charming and away from the path of douchebag?
I like the word boobs because I can say it with a calculator.
It’s so awesome to get all this feedback on boobs.
I am really going to like writing here.
I don’t call them anything else but boobs, I can’t imagine why I would teach my kids to use a different word… I agree, a breast is a piece of poultry to me, or a word I would use at the doctor’s office and nowhere else.
My son is three, and is figuring out the whole gender deal. The other day he was sitting at the table eating his little sandwich, I was beside him, and his Daddy was watching TV in the living room. My son pipes up, and says, “Daddy, do you have boobs??”… Needless to say it caused a little bit of laughter!! 🙂
Totally ok with the word boobs. It’s the context for using the word that can suck, not the word. I’ve heard the ‘breasts’ used in some mighty disrespectful ways, too. Keep raising awesome boys.
I am cool with “boobs” too and I couldn’t agree more with Tracey and Sara. Intention is key. “Boobs” can be funny and interesting and curious, especially to a young boy just starting to figure out the differences. Wait until he and his 13 y/o buddies are over “chillin” in your basement. I have found myself going down a few times to remind them to be respectful but with hormones racing they are trying it all on for size. Overall, they live what the learn at home. I think you’re good 🙂
I’m also a fan of the word boobs. Breast to me is a piece of chicken that I eat. Will is 3.5 and there is a booby bird in one and it makes him laugh and laugh – and really he has no reason. I agree with Tracey – they’ll look to you, you’re respectful and they’ll catch on. I also love the yogaziation word you coined…SO TRUE!
I kind of like the word “boobs” actually. And it IS a funny word, when you want it to be… I think intention rules everything, so since they know the word “breasts” and when to use it, some giggling is due to come about over the word “boobs.” They’re watching their dad… if he is respectful, so will they be, I’m sure!