As mentioned often (almost to the point of nausea), I love my two boys. I also feel content with having two boys. Sure I long for the wee little girl and the unique relationship that only a father and daughter can share. But I have two fantastic nieces, so sweet and with one a teenager and one a couple years younger than Hudson, I feel a paternal type connection with them both, with the luxury of their differing ages. I also have a close friend who has two girls, around the same ages of Hud and Tasman, who I see regularly and have since they were born. One of them thinks I smell like hamburgers, but that is a different story.
So, while nothing can compare to the literal father/daughter bond, I feel I have enough in my life to complement the ferocious love I have for my two sons. And Stephanie does too, but she is a girl and she has sister and she is kind of girly (not Barbie girly, but definitely I love me lots of different kind of shoes girly) so somewhere she always wanted a girl.
But like sands through the hour glass, these our the days of our lives, and time marches on, and on and on, until suddenly the bastion of hope that we would accidentally conceive a girl without a modicum of logic or planning attached wanes and, ahem, finally peters out.
Thus enters the mighty V word (no not vagina, but I agree, that is also a mighty V word) – vasectomy. And while I have been ready ( no not eager) for a bit, I was waiting for the green light to begin the process of having my vasa deferentia severed, and then tied/sealed in a manner such to prevent sperm from entering into the seminal stream. I know right? They make it sound like so much fun! I am bringing corn nuts and Diet Coke to drink during the procedure!
Yes this pales in comparison to carrying and birthing a child. Yes I will stoically walk down the hall and reveal the mighty nuts (also mighty!) to the world without shame. Yes I will dry hump a bag of frozen peas ( and then serve them to the boys for dinner natch! Man I am funny!) to keep the swelling down. I will do all these things to own and solve the birth control issue for the rest of our lives.
All for uninterrupted sex.
Make the appointment this week. Feel free to follow along.
My guy had 4hours of sympathy, and yes the bag of peas, a BLT, a beer and a nap on the couch, in that order. Then it was off your ass and go fix that thing on the car. The procedure is a cake walk and really only deserves just about that much attention compared to a cumumlative 40hours of labour (x3 babes). Unless of course you end up with post-procedural complications!!! Mwaah aah aah!!!.. Good luck:)
you are so funny! put a large bag of peas in the freezer now.
my friend’s husband was so against getting himself done because it would hurt. ummm….36 hrs of labour x2 and then 2 c-secs and then 2x the recovery time for major abdominal surgery…and he’s complaining about a wee inscision in which he can walk home after? i think all of us smacking him in the head hurts more 🙂
i’m glad you are doing this for your wife’s health…and your uninterrupted sex life! LOL
I told my husband this means we can now do it anytime, anywhere. 😉
“All for uninterrupted sex.”
SO worth it 😉
You go Jason!!! I have many male friends who did it and they all say it worked out fine. They tell me frozen corn works well too 😉
Bon Courage!
You da man!!!! Go for it! I’m sure you’ve heard all sorts of stories from your dudes. You’ll be fine! Peas and all. Be brave. Are you going to the Gentle Touch clinic?
Indeed, there’s nothing less romantic than counting off the days of the week on your fingers while trying to reach a fevered pitch… good for you, Jason. (And good for your lovely Stephanie!)
I went with my squeamish husband for his vas-severing, and I watched the whole thing, trying hard not to instruct the doctor to “double-knot that sucker, please.” We were in and out of the place in 15 minutes. A few Tylenol and a bag of frozen peas later, things were pretty good. Of course, this isn’t MY junk we’re talking about, but I can assure you that my man anticipated much, MUCH worse, and was pleasantly surprised at what a cake walk it turned out to be. (Relatively speaking, that is.) Good luck!!
Whoa – good for you! The brick job…. thanks for the visual of the pea bag humping… keep us posted!