Remember this commercial???
‘Mommy, you’re so pretty but what is that gross, revolting flap of skin hanging off your neck?” The commercial came out when I first had Will and I remember finding it totally hilarious that a kid would:
a. notice that you have nice hair or
b. notice a skin tag on your neck.
Yeah – who is NOT laughing now? Me.
I come from a ‘mole’y stock. They’ve never really bugged me before. I have a lot of moles. Big deal. I see them as a road map on my body frankly and I’ve never been self conscious about them. I get them checked annually for signs of melanoma every year and other than that, I don’t think about them. Until lately.
This week, Will says, ‘you’re looking good today Mom. I like your shirt.’ Nice! Thanks for the vote of confidence kid. Then he says, ‘when are your chicken pox going to go away and how come you go to work even though you have the chicken pox.’ WTF?
When I ask him what he’s talking about, he says ‘you know those red dots all over you’. Super. Thanks to my dad’s incredible genetic pool, like him, I’m tall and in the last year or so, I’ve developed some cherry angiomas, or red moles. Guess what? In an awesome bit of news, the older you get, the more you get.
I tried to explain to Will that these are not in fact, the chicken pox. His care factor on that stat is about a zero. He has taken to announcing to everyone – his teacher, my friends, random people on the street – that his mom has the chicken pox.
So skin tag lady, I feel your pain. And I will await the day when Will’s kids badger him about his smattering of ‘chicken pox’ and ask him if they can play connect the dots on his back!
Until then, I figure a muzzle for the kid OR maybe I SHOULD work this pox angle?! Hmmm.
IN ALL SERIOUSNESS….Melanoma is a VERY serious form of cancer. You should know your skin’s roadmap and make note of anything that’s out of the ordinary. This is a great video explaining what to look for. (Thankfully the red ones are all good!).
Freckles…they are freckles!!!!
that commercial drives me nuts. at least it’s only red dots…wait until his friends come over and play with a box of tampons!
It’s IS so smart to check yourself regularly… I’m glad you do. (And I’m glad it’s not chicken pox!!)
That skin tag commercial still gives me the heebs. Totally.