I am full-term and ready to pop any moment. The last few days I’ve felt like labour was imminent so I responsibly packed my hospital bag this morning. I neglected to do this the first time-round with L’il E and sorely regretted it as I threw random items into a bag between intense contractions. Needless to say the Hubs had to go home the next day to pick up additional items.
So, just for fun I thought I would peruse the internet to see what the experts recommend packing in your hospital bag and to my surprise I found the lists to be a laugh. Some are standard, but others are just way off-base, especially the one list I found that recommended cosmetics for sprucing up after delivery – you just might want to apply a little makeup to greet guests and well-wishers (um is this 1950?!). I didn’t have a shower for a couple of days let alone apply deodorant, so I certainly wasn’t applying makeup!
Anyway, here is a list of what you really need to pack in that hospital bag (make-up is optional):
For you:
- Flip flops for walking around while you’re labouring and for walking around after delivery, especially in the shower.
- Comfortable pyjamas or a loose fitting shirt that you can easily undo to breastfeed.
- A pillow or two with your own pillow slip. The extra pillow acts as a great nursing pillow as you’re getting the hang of it.
- Nursing pads and a nursing bra. I didn’t think I needed these things and they are essential items, trust me! If not, you’ll be leaking all over the place when your milk comes in.
- Chap-stick!!!! I can’t stress this item enough. You get so dehydrated giving birth and then the hospitals are as dry as hell. My lips were practically peeling off.
- Toiletries kit that includes, shampoo, face wash, toothpaste, toothbrush, moisturizer and DEODORANT (your hormones go insane after that baby comes out).
- A couple pair of your most comfortable underwear and the most absorbent pads you can find at Shoppers. The pads the hospital provides are ridiculous.
- Your health card and your insurance information, so you can score a single room. Can’t stress the single room enough.
- Camera or mobile phone.
- Your own snacks. The hospital food is so gross!
For baby:
- A onesie or a sleeper.
- An outfit for going home.
- Pack of newborn diapers.
- Pack of wipes.
- Receiving blanket (although I took one from the hospital as a keepsake).
If you have any additional items to add feel free, but these got me through a 4-day stay in the hospital post 8 hours of labour and an emergency c-section.
Happy packing!
whoa Julie – that frozen pad on the privates…what a GREAT idea!!!! Holy crap! I’d add phone charger…breast pump….earplugs!
Great list! I wish I saw this when I had baby number one. Totally unprepared.
pshaw, just have your baby at home 🙂 although i must admit i still needed a list that included plastic sheets and massive “bed-wetting pads” and my list was probably 2x as long as yours! one thing i’d add to the list (for when you get home) is to have someone make some butt-sicles.
i’m not sure if you will be having a v-bac or not but, as tracey pointed out, you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck on your privates! take some thick maxi pads, wet them so they’re not dripping but not just damp either, and freeze them. then, take them out of the freezer as you see fit and sit on those bad boys! you may feel kinda weird the first time you do this but once the relief hits, it’s magic 🙂
good luck! wishing you well!
It’s a good list lady, though I would pack the makeup. Seriously. Not for the full-on-evening-out kind of makeup, but a little mascara and some lip gloss can sometimes make a lady FEEL like she looks good after feeling like she’s been hit by a truck. ON HER PRIVATES. It’s not like you need to wear any, but if you’re stay is longer than 12 hours, you might wish you had a tube of something sparkly with you. 😉
I’m soooo excited for you!