I love the Huffington Post. I love the way they write headlines that you immediately feel you need to rush to read. This one came up on my feed yesterday – Can Sex Cure Morning Sickness? Of course I had to go read it. Holy crap it was technical but the gist that I was getting? Your partners semen is a foreign substance in your body so you treat it like a virus and are try to get rid of it. So the more sex you have at the beginning? The more your body gets used to your husbands semen and the less sick you are.
Men of the world! Rejoice! You need have a good reason to badger your pregnant partners into more action.
I would be the perfect case study as to the truth of this. I was so SO sick when I was pregnant with Will. Morning, afternoon and mostly at 5pm – when I was driving home from work. I kept a stash of plastic bags in my car and basically puked at every stop light. Charming. If you are what you eat…Will would be a peach, mashed potato or a McDonalds burger because that was my diet for 4 months. But think about it – I had two exposures to Will’s fathers sperm and even then it was a tiny amount. Interesting.
I may not share this tidbit with my friends husbands. I’m still catching flack for sharing that I feel the best cure for hangovers is sex. Apparently one of my friends husbands still suggests every time she’s overindulged that they try the ‘Lanthier method’.
What do you think? Did you have morning sickness? Or were you pregnant, shagging like bunnies and nausea free. OR is this just a conspiracy??
LOL I was soooooo sick with the twins – but of course I had NO idea that I even had two little guys growing inside of me – i just thought it was pay back time for the previous six pregnancies with very little sickness and old age!