I’ve written a ton of posts about what I can’t stand about being pregnant. My list is long and detailed, believe me.
However, there are some really amazing things about being pregnant. Some things that I am probably experiencing for the last time. Gulp. Because getting the opportunity to be pregnant even once in your lifetime really is the most amazing blessing.
Baby flutters that turn into Baby kicks
There is nothing, NOTHING, more amazing then feeling your baby moving in your belly. Baby #2 has become a fantastic moving machine the past few weeks. Those flutters that I have been feeling for well over 2 months have turned into huge movements and kicks and punches and elbows. And it is amazing. Every time he moves I am reminded how lucky I am to be growing another little boy inside my belly.
Late night McDonald’s runs that no one questions (or says no to!) because it’s a “craving”
There is not another time in my life that I have been able to convince my husband to leave the house at 10pm to do a late-night drive-thru run. And he almost does it without complaining. Almost. But, no one questions when I say I’m hungry after I just ate two platefuls of my Grandma’s roast beef dinner. No one wonders where the bag of Doritos went when they know I’ve been home. No one questions what you call a “craving”…ahem…when in all actuality you just felt like a hot fudge sundae and called it a “craving”. Ha. LOVE THIS PART!
Maternity Pants
If you have ever worn them, you know what I’m talking about. I just want every pair of pants I own to have a stretchy elastic waistband that reaches my bra. Man, that would be amazing.
The Love
I may be the biggest worry-wart in the world when I’m preggers, but I also feel so much love from other people. Even strangers give you the sweetest smiles, or let you cut ahead of them in line, or carry your bags at work. It’s the best feeling to have people take a second to care about you and I have never really felt that until I was pregnant.
I Feel Purposeful and Unselfish
I think this might sound silly, only because I certainly feel that I have meaning and purpose when I’m not pregnant. In fact, I know I have meaning and purpose outside of pregnancy. But I get actual joy out of the idea that my body, that I have tortured for years to be, act, and look a certain way, is now creating something. My body isn’t really mine for 9 months and that’s ok with me (most of the time). I just love thinking about how the little guy growing in there will be someone important one day- someone who impacts others and has his own meaning and purpose in life. It’s the one time in my life where I feel ok giving up a huge part of myself for the sake of someone else. And that feels nice.
Is there anything better? Seriously. Nothing makes me swoon like a onesie.
So, my friends, join me. What do you LOVE about being pregnant?
I was never one who loved being pregnant – not only the physical discomfort, but also the way everyone thinks you are public property and up for discussion? Ugh. (Worse when you work with the public, too, and they want to talk about your belly. Uh, no, I’m here to do a job, thanks!)
BUT – Baby kicks? Yes. They are pretty amazing. The nesting? Right up my alley. The giant boobs? Sweet, though it would be nice if they felt normal. THAT would be excellent.
I neither loved nor hated being pregnant. I was lucky in that I had a great pregnancy. I wasn’t even nauseated once in the whole nine months. I felt good for most of it (towards the end I wanted it to be over). I never had cravings. I ate normally, but more. Being the analytical freak that I am, I was fascinated by the development of the girls and went on websites that showed images of fetuses at that stage.
I don’t think I’ve met any one who was like me though. I’m curious to see if there’s anyone else out there.
I did love the itty bitty clothes, I have to admit. And the planning (buying baby gear – love the gear).
I’m going to have to say THE END. As much as it’s a true miracle to grow a human, I really don’t enjoy it. It’s physically and (for me) emotionally exhausting. But the end? It’s SO worth it. That feeling of relief the moment the baby is born is my favorite part of pregnancy.
Don’t mind if I do!
Gosh, I miss being pregnant…
whoa, can you lend me your husband?? This doesn’t seem to happen in my house!
I LOVED being pregnant. Almost everything about it. I don’t know exactly why but I felt really beautiful. It was very liberating.
I loved the excuse to just eat whatever I wanted, whenever, and not feel guilty about it. I’m paying the price now, but it was SO worth it, all three times. 🙂
I loved how my daughter danced to stuff like 99 Problems, and ‘Til I Get to Arizona (music that she hasn’t heard since she was born, and likely won’t for at least another 10 years); and how I could sing My Girl to her in the wee hours of the morning and feel her stretch, turn over, and go to sleep. I loved watching her knees and elbows move across my belly like shark-fins when I was doing my best “beached whale” in our soaker tub. I loved watching my son on the 3D ultra-sounds – especially when he tucked his hand under his chin and crossed his ankles just like his Grandpa does still when he’s thinking about something.
And the guilt-free junk-food was pretty awesome, too.
I really didn’t love being pregnant. I have to admit it. Will was apparently saving his energy for toddler’hood so after he made me barf for 5 months, I rarely felt him move. OKAY – I liked that the only time he did move was during storms which I also love.
dreams! mine were hallucinogenic for sure.
and the moment right after giving birth…going pee and knowing that you were done for a good few hours and not having to go AGAIN in 15 minutes!!!
All of those things! I especially love The Love. I felt so “special” everyday and everywhere when I was pregnant. And there is something special about a pregnant woman. She is growing a human being inside her body. Pretty miraculous.
I thought the big boobs that came with the baby belly were pretty cool too. That only lasted a little while though.
I loved nesting. My house was clean. And organized.
I also loved baby naming. Sean and I would send random emails to each other with name suggestions all the time. We didn’t find out the sex of any of our kids so we had to have a boy and girl name for each and I loved the process of coming to a decision.
Oh and I loved at the very end of pregnancy when your entire belly moves all “alien” like. I just loved how freaked out Sean would get when my belly would flarp all over the place.
With each pregnancy, anytime Sean and I would spoon in bed, the baby would kick right on his hand. I missed that the most after I delivered.
All these posts are making me pine for another. Pregnancy. NOT baby.
excuse to sit after dinner and not clean up