Give me the low-down. What natural induction methods work?? Here’s the thing…
Many months ago, while I was feeling oh-so-fab pregnant with my cute little belly and boundless energy, I had told my doctor I didn’t want to be induced. Yes. I said that. I wanted (and still do) to know what it felt like to go into labour on my own. I wanted to call hubs at work with a panicked “GET HOME NOW” and time those contractions until they were 5 minutes apart and we could jump in the car and go to the hospital. You know, just like on TV.
But I’m sitting here, about a day away from my due date, I’m kinda over it and wish I hadn’t said that I wanted to go as long as possible. I’d love to help this sucker get outta my womb and into my arms. But HOW??
Last pregnancy, I never dilated on my own and spent 23 hours in an induced labour. I don’t want this to be my fate a second time. The good news? I’m 2 cm dilated! Head is WAYYYYY down! I’ve had false labour which apparently is a good thing. So let’s get this show on the road.
My extensive research has told me that, in order to bring on the baby, I could do anything from drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea to (no joke) standing on my head. Most people suggest sex and power walking (at different times, of course). Spicy foods and castor oil have also been mentioned. But what actually works? Is there really a way to start labour without the dreaded hospital drip? I mean, lets face it, there are so many ideas out there that I could be the star of my own TLC show based solely on all the tricks that are guaranteed to pop that baby out.
So, my friends, what should I do? What has worked for you? What should I stay away from? How can I convince this baby boy that life on the outside will be better then safe inside the warmness of my belly??
Sorry to say. I did EVERYTHING and my first was 9 days late and I needed to be induced due to low fluid levels. I was dialated a couple of cms for weeks
Sex – check (often)
Rasberry leaf tea – check (from about 8 months)
Spicy Food – check
Walking up and down stairs – check
Yoga – check
Accupunture – check
Membrance sweep – check (2-3 times)
Nipple stimulation – check
Some spicy eggplant receipe my doula swore by – check
and I am sure there were more things….
I went into hospital, they inserted cervidal (?) and 10 hours later he was in my arms. I REALLY wanted to go into labour naturally – hopefully this time!
Good Luck
Ok, I trust you so I won’t attempt castor oil! Not worth it to me.
I’d be thrilled if I dilate a little more and all they have to do is break my water- I’ll take that kind of induction. I just want to avoid being stuck in a hospital bed for 23 hours like last time!
Castor oil did not work for me. I felt like I was in labour delivering a baby but it was just a very sick stomach and active bowels *shudder*
Now, I do suggest the membrane sweep and even breaking your waters (once you are a little further along) if things still don’t move. I was in early labour when my midwife did the sweep and things really picked up. But I kinda wish that I had just let it happen…but that is because I am sitting her NOT pregnant and waiting!
Good luck. Keep us posted!
oh yah, and do not eat spicy food….remember all the pooping? you don’t want hot and spicy poop at a time like this…believe me!
NO CASTOR OIL!!!! i agree with jennifer. holy @#$%….literally. then you don’t know if you’re pooping or pooping a baby….it works, yes, but no one needs to spend that much time on a toilet. if you do have the tea, it’s red raspberry LEAF…not raspberry.
the midwives said sex (specifically the sperm) works and it worked for us but i would say that’s highly unscientific. maybe it was just time.
I drank the RRLT. It apparently helps your contractions work more efficiently (?) and it also helps to bring your milk in quicker and helps with the production.
I had enough milk to feed a small country.
Also nipple stimulation releases oxytocin which can help contractions start.
Not much more I can help you with…my boys were both born on their due dates and Eva was 5 days late.
Try the tea!
The day before my first was born, I shovelled the driveway, dropped a desk on my foot as we moved it down the stairs, had a DQ banana split, and washed my kitchen floor on hands and knees.
The day before my second was born, I carried the first home from the playpark on my shoulders (21 months old). On her birthday, my husband was home for lunch when I grabbed my belly while handing him a sandwich – the first contraction. He said “Wow – I better get back to the office and finish that memo. Call if you need me.” I did – he was in a meeting and wouldn’t take my call.
In the 3 weeks before my third was born, we found out we’d be moving away from the small town I loved with all my friends, and to the big city where I knew no one. He was born the day of an uncle’s funeral. I think he was stress induced.
The days before my fourth are all a blur – that’s the way life is with 3 small ones and an impending move. She was born the day of the realtor’s open house – thankfully waiting until I had hidden the laundry in the dryer and given the bathroom the once-over. She was 3.5 weeks early.
So I guess exercise and stress worked best for me, although I wouldn’t recommend the stress part.
My son was born two weeks early (I will love him forever) and we swear it was the second piece of chocolate cake at my sister’s birthday party that did it. It could also have been climbing up and down a step ladder stencilling flowers on my daughter’s wall.
Good luck! Those last few weeks are brutal.
Do NOT try castor oil. Just not worth it.
My first was induced, my second came five days late, my third came 10 days early after a delicious dinner of Indian food…there are worse reasons to order some paneer butter masala!
I was induced both times via broken membranes. No drip, just that crazy looking hook. I did all of things on your list (except standing on my head – that’s hilarious!), plus the membrane sweep, mowing the lawn, prenatal yoga, and following my daughter through those huge playmazes at West Edmonton Mall, and dilated to about 4cm’s over a couple of weeks with no pain and no issues. I went into the hospital so my doctor could break my water, and about five contractions later each time, I met my kids.
You’re probably sick of hearing this, but you’re almost there. The last part of pregnancy just sucks so much, but you truly are in the home stretch. I’m excited for you!
Poor you… I LOATHE waiting – especially for such a sweet surprise!
I think all the stuff on your list is supposed to work wonders, but I suppose in the end, baby boy will make his way when he’s good and ready… I’d hate to be induced too. Hang in there, lady!! It’s almost over… SQUEEEEEE!! xox