Weekend Update: No baby:(
Although my husband insists I need to be more optimistic, I am being realistic and allowing my mind to get used to the fact that I will most likely be medically induced again. And not until NEXT WEEKEND (or later…bah!).
At this point, about a week(ish) overdue, with everyone and their dog commenting on how low my stomach is and how I must be ready to pop (with twins…so funny) at any moment, I have taken to simply smiling and nodding and biting my tongue. I really don’t have nice things to say to people anymore. Weird how something as awesome as having a baby can make you feel sooooo grumpy!
I have had every sign and symptom of impending labour: I’m 2 cm dialated,
lost my mucus plug (which is really gross, FYI), had false labour
twice, been sick to my stomach, and continue to have pregnancy
insomnia. But alas, Baby has no desire to be born.
That being said, thank you SO MUCH for all your natural induction suggestions! I actually did most of them (except the castor oil), including eating Swiss Chalet as someone suggested on Facebook and a Big Mac meal with a chocolate shake as a cousin of mine suggested. None of it brought on labour, but I was full and at least I tried! At this point, all I can assume is that my womb is the greatest place on earth and there is no way to get my son out of there unless force is involved. I mean, he has to come out sometime, right?
Bright side? I love hanging out with The Boy. Two years old is an awesome, if not volatile, age. Everything is new, exciting, overwhelming, and frustrating all at once. This weekend we went to a community safety event at the Fire Headquarters in our city. It was so fun- and The Boy got to have his first ever juice box. Never has he been more quiet.
Ooh, I always tried to savour those last few days, knowing chaos was coming, but yes, oh my hell, people and their comments! I got a lot of people asking if I was *sure* it wasn’t twins? with my last. Totally grumpy-making.
Oh, I hope it’s soon… and your boy is just darling! Thinking of you in the coming days, lady!! xox
Next weekend??? That’s tons of time for baby to come out prior to an eviction.
But must seem like an eternity.
The Friday morning I woke up – 5 days past my edd with my daughter I had no hope of her coming that day and just assumed her birthday would be the induction date which was going to be the following Monday. She hadn’t dropped. I hadn’t lost my plug. ZERO signs of even early labour.
I went for my dr appt at 11am assuming we’d discuss the induction but instead was told I was 4cm. She was born 5 hours later.
So I guess what I’m saying is you never know. I’m hoping that he surprises you and that he arrives when you least expect him to…like today! Tonight!
This too shall pass….and you’ll have another beautiful baby boy:)
Praying that it will be soon! xx