I got a phone call yesterday that I failed my one-hour Glucose Tolerance Screening Test. Of course, I reacted exactly like any sane pregnant woman would and cried into my chicken fingers and fries because it may be the last time I indulge in them this pregnancy.
I now have to go for a special 2 hour Glucose test. My levels were slightly high, so my OB isn’t overly concerned, but I am. For the next three days, I have to follow a special 150 g of carbs a day diet and then get the 2 hour Glucose test after fasting.
Let me give you the highlights of my new diet- funny enough, it appears to be a modified version of the Atkins diet (something I followed religiously for years) with a slice of bread thrown in here and there:
2 pieces of toast with 2 tsp of butter
1 egg
1 serving fruit
1/2 cup milk
1 slice bread
1 serving fruit
1 serving meat
1 serving veggie
1/2 cup of milk
2 servings veggie
1 serving fruit
1 serving of potato
1 serving of meat
1 slice bread
Actually, when it’s all written out, it doesn’t sound awful. The worst part so far (because I’m already 3 hours into the diet…lol) is the planning. Since the beginning of this pregnancy, carbs have been the only thing that have settled decently in my stomach. We’ve been a rice and pasta family for the past 7 months and the thought of choking down that much fruit and meat actually makes my stomach turn.
Even worse, though, is the realization that I may really have to deal with the potential of Gestational Diabetes. Thankfully, I have a wonderful friend who has been going through the same thing recently and I would be able to lean on her for some support or recipes (bunless burgers, anyone?).
But, in reality, I’m much more scared of what could happen to my unborn baby as a result of Gestational Diabetes.
So I’m hoping and praying that I pass this 2 hour screening test on Saturday with flying colours… as I begrudgingly munch on a slice of plain bread.
I’ve posted an update on my failed test….
hurray! That gives me lots of hope!
Coming from a carb loving Celt, I feel your pain. Hang in there!!
I failed my 1 hour test too and had o do the 2 hour one which I ended up passing with no problems. I had been told I just failed by a small margin so chances are you will be fine the 2nd test time too.
Thanks Julie- that’s the kind of positivity I need!
Good point Julie. It’s good to know what you’re dealing with & it will help to make a healthier you & baby.
I find it interesting that I too had this problem with my second pregnancy, but everything worked out just fine in the end….I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl!
It will for you too!
you can do it…i’m over here rooting for you. if you can, try to get some comfort from the thought that this screening is a great thing and could make you even healthier because you know rather than because you didn’t.
my fingers are crossed!