I was pregnant three times. That equaled over 27 months to stew about our future babies’ names. And stew I did. My husband and I did not exactly see eye to eye about names.
Here’s how it would go: I would spend hours combing baby name books and blogs and come up with a list of potential names. Then, one by one, he would POOP all over every suggestion. Thanks, Steve. Super helpful.
With each pregnancy we found out the sex of our baby so we only had to fight about half as many names as we would have, had we not taken a sneak peek at the babies’ private parts. But still. Names. Gah. It was rough.
I had always loved daydreaming about my future baby’s name, but then when I realized I had to pick it with someone else’s input, and someone whose opinions were vastly different than mine, it was a lot less fun.

Anyways, we did it. We successfully named three girls and managed to agree on beautiful names that we both love and totally suit them. (Well, the road to ‘Karenna’ was a little bumpy and we took a wrong turn, but we made it eventually. Spoiler alert: we changed her name when she was 11 months old. Woopsies!)
That being said, there are still all these unused names in my vault that I’ll never get to use! I have so many friends having babies right now and I adore talking about names and all the fun options out there.
So, even though this ship has sailed for me, here are some of my favourite baby names that we’ll never use, but you can:
1. Anneliese. Anyone who read my blog waaay back in the day will remember that I had my heart set on this name for our first daughter. But, aforementioned husband took a hot crap all over it right from day one and even after a grueling 40 hour labour, still refused. Still love that name SO HARD.
2. Paige. It’s my middle name and we gave it to our eldest daughter as her middle name, but had I known we were going to have, like, 26 girl babies, I would have kept this one in my back pocket for a first name. It’s a gooder.
3. Millie. I think this is so adorable and classic. Really. I tried to find a full version of the name as an option and the closest I came was Milena, but hubby didn’t take the bait.
4. Ruby. And Scarlett. And Violet. And anything remotely associated with a colour. Our last name is Brown, so these options just didn’t fly. Ruby Brown? Makes me think of how one might describe a bloody stool. If one had to.
5. Jordanna. I love little twists on familiar names. So pretty.
That’s all I can remember. I know there were more, but I guess that part of my mind has kind of shut down.
Do you have any fantastic baby names that you just didn’t get a chance to use? Let’s talk about names, baby. Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things you gave me. Let’s talk abooouuut names.
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