Birth plans?
Hm- you know, my first pregnancy I slaved over my birth plan. Here are the highlights:
Vaginal Birth
No epidural
No vacuum
No forceps
No episiotomy
Walking and jacuzzi tub to ease labour pains
Ah- best laid plans- I laughed in the face of my best laid plans…
I was induced after being 10 days late without any movement and THREE stretch and sweeps (holy dina- those are torture). Because I was induced, I was hooked up to an IV and was stuck mostly in my birthing room for the duration of my labour, which eliminated all the walking and jacuzzing that I had planned to do. I pretty much laid in bed for all 22 hours.
When it came time to give birth, everything I said I didn’t want to happen did. And I could have cared less. I was SCREAMING EPIDURAL!!!!!!!!!!! within hours of being induced, they used a vacuum to try to move things along (didn’t work), and I had an episiotomy after having torn.
I did have a vaginal birth and my baby was perfection when he was born- after 2.5 hours of pushing.
Essentially, anything I didn’t want to happen did- and, you know what, I was totally ok with it and I still am. I know that it wasn’t remotely how I wanted things to turn out but the end result, a healthy baby boy, was all that really mattered.
This time around, I actually don’t think I’ll make a birth plan. My husband and I will talk about how I want it to go, sure, but I don’t think I’ll spend the hours that I did the first time preparing the “perfect” birthing scenario. I know that I DO want another vaginal birth. I DO want an epidural as fast as possible (feel free to judge but I experienced the pain and I didn’t win any medals for it!). I DO want to avoid induction if possible. I DO want another healthy baby boy in the end- however it has to happen.
How do you feel about birth plans? Do (did) you have one? Did you stick to your plan- and how do you feel about it?
My birth plan was to leave the hospital with healthy babies that preferably came out my who-who. The rest didn’t matter to me one bit, except I wanted to suffer as little as possible. And I won’t judge you about wanting an epidural right away, I wouldn’t get a tooth pulled without freezing, so why would I have a baby that way given the choice??
I had the sweeps done with both kids, I didn’t find them that bad honestly, and they sorta worked for one and not the other. The first time, 7 days overdue, didn’t do a thing (I went into labor spontaneously the day I was supposed to be admitted and induced, three days later). The second time they did it four days before my due date because my son was measuring large, and my water broke two hours later. I didn’t go into labor though, and had IV induction the next day, but at least him and his giant head were out before they could get any bigger!
i had midwives so i was pretty set. my sister in law had her first 2 naturally, 3rd c-sec. and the last one naturally _but_ she had an epidural and said she loved every minute of it! she couldn’t believe she did the 1st two au natural!
but, for me, just the thought of having a needle in my spine makes me want natural all the way, it wigs me out that much!
i love your birth plan, desi! lol
I had a birthplan for my daughter: Natural birth, no medication, no forceps, no IV, blah, blah, blah. Then I went into early labour at 32 weeks and all bets were off. After heavy-duty muscle relaxants successfully stopped that delivery (sob), I was induced via broken membranes 10 full days after her due date. I had two contractions, begged for pain meds, was denied because her head was coming out (cue multiple expletives), and she rode the next contraction out onto the table. 8lbs 10 oz, 37cm head. Ouch. The whole experience was terrifying because it happened so fast, and then I met her, and, well…. Yeah, she’s pretty amazing 😀
My birthplan for my son was, “I would prefer that he not be born either (a) at the grocery store, or (b) on the kitchen floor during my husband’s workday because my daughter can’t reach the phone.” Anything else was 100% okay with me. My labour was so fast with my first child that my doctor (and I!!!) had legitimate concerns about making sure he was born in a clean, safe, place (not, say, at the local indoor playground.) So, I was induced via broken membranes at 37 weeks 1 day. Two contractions, and then he literally fell out while my doctor was putting her gown on. Far less stressful because I had no expectations. And he was MUCH smaller (thank you, lord) because he had 4.5 fewer weeks to pack on the tonnage.
And, yeah, he’s pretty amazing, too 😀
The joy defies words, so I won’t even try. I’m so excited for you!
I didn’t have a birth plan either – though we tried for a home birth the first time… the child wouldn’t come, so we went to hospital, I had an epidural at hour 21 (THANK YOU BABY JESUS!!) and the boy came by c-section shortly thereafter. So, the second time, I just opted for a planned c-section… I too remember that pain, and I didn’t want any part of it, thanks. Plus I was already exhausted by the end of the second pregnancy, after caring for my first Small One.
I say, “by any means necessary…” the goal is healthy and happy mum and baby, right? I can’t WAIT to see the wee face on your one-to-come, Sarah!! I’m totally stoked for you… YAY!!!
To be honest, I had a birth plan about 8 weeks into my pregnancy and I was DARN sure I was going to follow it! haha, but how live can smile the wrong way at you… the whole plan wen to the dumpster when the kid turned out to be HUGE and impossible for me to push out, was just a mess/nightmare/pain etc…
Bonnie Smith
COO/Director FXP
A stretch & sweep is when the OBGYN uses her fingers to literally stretch you and try to dilate you. It was the most painful thing I have ever had done to me…and it did NOTHING! I didn’t dilate even a quarter of a centimetre.
But yes, epidural all the way!
Oh, one more thing. I had 2 stretch and sweeps myself. Torture is right!
I too didn’t get to the jacuzzi. In other words, things didn’t go according to my birth plan as well.
I was induced one day after my due date, after my doctor strongly suggested it saying that the baby seemed to be very large for me. I was booked to receive two gels Friday night and the oxytocin Saturday morning. Long story short, I received the first gel Friday afternoon, my water broke in the evening, so no second gel.
I was however expecting to ask for the epidural (considering I find regular bikini waxes too painful for my liking) and I did ask, but had to wait until I was at least 3-4 cm to get it, which wasn’t until 18 hours into the labour…(I was definitely NOT a happy camper). The oxytocin came shortly thereafter and the rest of the dilating was kicked into high gear. I pushed for almost 2 hours and had a minor tear.
I’m definitely a planner, but no amount of planning could have prepared me for how everything went, but I was definitely happy with the outcome…a healthy baby!
you must know I had my babies in the last century- ok it is true but does that ever sound scary.
I do not know what a stretch and sweep is and think it may be a new millennium move.
With my first I was induced and could have starred in the exorcism.
With my second I booked the epidural during the first trimester and thought I was at the spa I was so relaxed. During my last push the nurse went to get ice for my husband’s bad knee………
I did NOT have a birth plan – other than to have a baby.
The baby was in there and it had to get out. I couldn’t predict how or when they would come and I just went with it and let my body lead the way.
My first was a 2 hour labour, and a few pushes. No epidural – no time. I received a 4th degree episiotomy and a vaccum extracted baby – I was pissed. I believe both were unnecessary and switched dr’s for my next baby.
The next delivery was much more complicated and a vaccum extraction was necessary. A c section would have been better. Another episiotomy. Epidural.
The third baby came in just under 4 hours, about 4 pushes and a tear. No epidural.
I cannot believe the difference in how fast the tear healed compared to the cut.