Before Pea was born, we had a breakfast nook in our house. This nook was right beside our kitchen, close to the California blinds that give us a window unto our beautiful backyard.
We would eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at this table and we could easily and comfortably watch TV while we ate… if we so chose. Here’s a glimpse at this breakfast nook, ironically, decorated for my wife’s Baby Shower.
As soon as Pea started crawling, it became abundantly clear that the nook had to go… in favour of a space for her to crawl and play and enjoy the spoils that come with being the first born grandchild.
So, the glass table went in the basement. The white credenza moved to another room. The microwave returned to the kitchen countertop where it remains to this day, taking up precious space.
Now, the breakfast nook is known as Pea’s Playland. It is a bright, colourful, and fairly safe place for her to play with her toys and be a kid.
As much as I miss having somewhere to sit and eat in front of the TV, Pea’s Playland is an amazing place in and of itself.
It features a kitchenette…
… a grocery store…
… a home music studio…
… a place to sit and colour…
… the whole of which looks a little like this.
Pea loves this area of the house because it’s where she gets to go to be a kid and play. And truth be told, I love it for the way it brings us together in imaginary worlds and make believe fun.
I think we’re still a ways away from the re-emergence of the kitchen table. And I am just fine with that, because the sooner the table returns, the sooner Pea will be too big for me to play with her.
Fortunately, there is still a reminder of what that space used to be like, and what it will one day become once more. That’ll do me just fine for the next few years.
If you’ve got a little one that loves to play, don’t forget D.I.Y. Sara’s contest. She’s offering some Lego Duplo that you can add to your play space for hours of fun. All you need to do is leave a comment on her post telling her what your favorite playtime activity is with your kids and we’ll pick a winner randomly. The contest runs from now until 5pm November 28th! Good luck!
Remember, only members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in. Not a member yet? Click here to join!
Click here for contest Rules and Regulations.
Looks like a lovely play area. My favorite pastime with my children is craft time. Making playdough or doing collages. My daughter is finally getting old enough to do more intricate things. Time to teach her how to knit.
That is the BEST playland! Pea’s a lucky little girl.
I am so envious of her play area.
I need me one of those.
please tell me you cleaned up for this picture….love that space!
nothing says redecorating like a child! 🙂 that’s a fantastic space tho’. my girls would be mucho jealous of that play kitchen. i know because i am!