Parenting is challenging at the best of times, knowing if the decisions you are making are pointing your children in the right direction is chock full of pressure. I hope I am doing an ok job, but I also know I can be wishy washy at times, letting sympathy cloud my follow through on discipline or enforcing household guidelines.
In every parenting publication or anecdotal expertise I have read or heard, it always mentions the importance of remaining consistent, that children need boundaries to help them cement their own decision making foundation.
So my getting hufffy at Hudson for ignoring me while entranced in some vidiot activity and banning said activity for the night, only to give it back to him at the end of the night to allow me to watch the Oscars in peace is not really holding my ground only because his lower lip is sulked and extended, blocking my view of Charlize Theron on the flat screen.
Side note: While I totally dig both Charlize Theron’s and Robin Wright’s hairstyles, I adore my wife’s stunningly long and thick hair and hope she never cuts it. Same goes for you Sara.
So what is the side effect of wishy washy parenting? What happens to your children who know that if they leg it out for a bit, say the right apologetic words, ask to cuddle mere moments after thinking you gross, they will eventually get what they want?
Add the occasionally divisiveness between Steph and I, gasp, in front of the boys, and they will surely turn into tattoo sleeved animals, with fu manchu mustaches, dusty Camaros and handguns tucked in the front of their faded jeans.
Please no – they are so lovely and Camaro free now.
Yes I am an occasionally lazy parent. I try to make up for it with love and support. But I do question the long term impact these lapses have in the development of my boys.
Time machine please.
totally a lazy parent. i think we need more of it! sure you need to be consistent, my girls know that no means no, not “maybe” or “if you cry enough” but they also know that sometimes we can roll with things and i’m not going to hover and tell them everything they need to do. otherwise, how can they figure things out themselves?
you said it, they have your love and support and that is not lazy…that is wonderful!
I didn’t do it Jason! But what I did do was lazzzzy parenting both at the Oscars this weekend and Tracey’s house last weekend. And I’m not even going to beat myself up over it! You’re doing an awesome job and they’ll just appreciate those little lapses or be kickass gamers!