I love coming home after being away. I see my life/surroundings with fresh eyes and new perspective.
After a holiday, I approach daily life like a rebloom
I was given this orchid over a year ago. After killing overwatering many orchids – I have learned they only want a tiny drink. Place an icecube at their ‘feet’ once a week.
And they will thank you. And rebloom.
I am afraid I am even more negligent when it comes to my orchids and they still give back to me even 7 years later!
try the less is more – but not 100% neglect idea, lovely girl, and it will surprise you xoxox
How lovely! I don’t think I’ve ever had an orchid rebloom before… maybe because I kept forgetting to water it after the first series of blooms had long fallen. *womp-womp*
I hope you had a wonderful trip, and that you got rested and recharged!! xox