My son is 10. In some ways he is still my little boy. He loves his hugs. When he’s sad he needs a cuddle from his mom. Sometimes, although less often, he still cries and turns to me. He gets scared and still makes innocent little comments that make me smile. But, more and more, this is changing and I get a little lump in my throat or a pit in my stomach thinking about how fast he has gone from this:
Where did the time go? I remember when he was a baby and I was overwhelmed and was getting no sleep a wise friend said to me, “Remember, the days are long but the years are short”. Never has a greater truth been spoken.
As I shop for man-sized shoes and clothes and have real adult conversations with him I feel panicked that my baby is growing up so fast. I just wish I could bottle moments and go back and visit them. Because, looking back, the years do seem to have just flown by and even though I know that it is my job as a parent to make sure he continues to face the world with excitement and confidence, I will miss my little boy.
Awww…he was and IS super-cute. I love that expression: “the days are long but the years are short”. Amazing how they grow up so fast! :*)
I am totally with you – as my son prepares his university applications while I type this!