Yesterday my son, my first born, turned 10. In a flash he went from this:
On the flip side, I barely remember and can hardly relate to myself pre-motherhood. I look back and I see someone who looks like me (without the gray) but who seems ages away, hardly recognizable.
My husband and I often joke, what the hell did we do with ourselves before we had kids?! But really the question should be who the hell was I before I had kids?! I honestly can’t imagine. What was important to me – besides myself and, I guess my husband, and maybe my job but really, mostly myself? I obviously remember a time before I had kids. I have some great memories but these are of people and places. But in the end, it was all about me.
I look back and am so grateful for everything I’ve gained over the last 10 years. Not only do I have two amazing kids but I have a richer life and a deeper, more generous self. As my focus turned outward to my kids and my family my world became so much richer and rewarding. It is truly amazing to see that in the last 10 years I have been far less selfish yet I have never been so fulfilled and satisfied.
So, for my first 10 years of motherhood that is my big lesson. I don’t resent the change of focus my life has taken. I embrace it. Because the rewards have been fulfillment beyond my greatest imaginings.
Happy 10th Birthday to my baby, my Sweet Pea and thank you. Thank you for teaching your mother about love and life and all the things that really matter.
Love those pictures! It’s quite amazing what thoughts and feelings arise from looking back at photos.
I particularly like your line “It is truly amazing to see that in the last 10 years I have been far less selfish yet I have never been so fulfilled and satisfied.” I don’t like to think any less of people for not having children (by choice) but I can definitely see that children do change us in ways that would likely never take place without them. They make us better people in the world, I think.
Congratulations on ten years of motherhood!
10 years, where does the time go? Happy Birthday Josh and happy mommy b-day Jen.
I recognize the shot of you and hubby….I believe I was at that party. lol
so sweet! congrats again, and that’s a great pic of you and your husband – you guys look so cute!
Awww, what a beautiful post. Motherhood really is the most transformative experience, isn’t it? Happy BDay Pea, and happy birthday to you as a mother 🙂
Wow!! 10 years. What a cutie. So lucky and I look forward to hearing about the next 10 years.