It’s been a really busy and stressful past two months. I told Sean that I needed a break.
I just need to get away. Even for one night. Just a break from the kids, from the house. From our life.
Easier said than done. Between Cam’s hockey schedule (Sean is head coach), Sean’s work schedule and our funds low, it just was’t going to happen anytime soon.
Yesterday I was looking for something in my top dresser drawer when I saw the corner of an envelope sitting at the bottom of it. I pulled it out and there it was. I had totally forgotten about it and it is just what I need.

The gift certificate for a one hour massage that the kids gave me for my birthday back in July.
I love a good deep tissue massage. I rarely ever go for a massage, but if I could I would go monthly. I would probably go for a pedicure regularly as well because I love my feet being massaged but I am too self conscious of my psoriasis. Plus I couldn’t justify the cost of one a month.
I love a good deep tissue massage. I rarely ever go for a massage, but if I could I would go monthly. I would probably go for a pedicure regularly as well because I love my feet being massaged but I am too self conscious of my psoriasis. Plus I couldn’t justify the cost of one a month.
I feel like I should try and put some effort into doing more for me now that the kids are getting older, but I’m too busy to think about it.
I get a manicure/pedicure maybe once or twice a year.
I only get my hair done 2-3 times per year.
I get a manicure/pedicure maybe once or twice a year.
I only get my hair done 2-3 times per year.
I can’t remember the last time I had a night away. I think it was in March…
I’m not sure why it’s so hard for me to give myself permission to do things for me?
That’s one thing I’d like to work on. I feel like my stress level is increasing and I want to stay healthy and well for my family. I’m going to need to take care of me. So I am going to try and give myself permission to do things that make me feel good.
I will start by booking that massage.Do you have a hard time doing things for yourself?
What things do you do for yourself? What helps you recharge?
I will start by booking that massage.Do you have a hard time doing things for yourself?
What things do you do for yourself? What helps you recharge?
Food for thought for sure. I do not spend enough time on me. What I most want is a weekend IN my house ALONE, not away. Just to hang out in my PJ’s, drink coffee, read a book, watch something that I want to watch on TV, eat when and what I want and just BE! But… where do I send them for a weekend!?
So well said Julie!!!!!!!! You’re on the right track Christine – you have to look after you to be better for them! xx
Ahhhh ME time! With Marley and I, our 24/7 routine can drain both of us. Some weeks there is no such thing.
So, on Saturday, I sat on the couch and read a book. Kitchen was closed until dinner time, she has a room full of toys, a drawer full of crafts and piano she can practice. Well, once 10 minutes of protests went unanswered, she moved on a played by herself. Now the thing about it was how hard it was for me to stay on the couch for an hour reading a book!!!
I have parenting ADHD, the bathroom needs cleaning, the car is in the shop, what if my only child is lonely and sad, I should check on the status of (you know, whatever, the bank account, the item I ordered). Nothing was REALLY pressing but my mind was racing. Only this time, “I” took control over my mind. I sat down and had my “me” time. It was hard and I resisted every step of the way.
I think I can have more me time if my mind stops racing. I’ve had really stressful bubble baths because I was worried about a presentation the next day 🙂 Just quieting my mind is the trick for me. Then I see that nothing is an emergency at all. Half of my stuff isn’t even necessary to do but I choose it.
My biggest recharge is ALONE time, I’m an introvert and really need to retreat to recharge. I love having the kitchen to myself to make soups, stews or bake on a Saturday or Sunday.
A massage helps too, enjoy yours! oxoxo
“put your oxygen mask on first…then assist others”…
I firmly believe in me time. Too many women fall pray to what I call “mother martyr syndrome”
When things were tight :
Going for coffee with a friend
going window shopping
check out the thrift shops too!
walk to get the kids from school
let the kids take a day off from activities
have a picnic on the floor in front of the tv for movie night
arrange car pool for the kids
take a bath with bubbles.
YOU do not have to do it all. No one asked you to and no one actually cares. You care and you do need to “give yourself permission” to give yourself a break. Cut yourself some slack.
The sun will still rise tomorrow and it’ll all still be there. 🙂 hugs.
It is funny how what you need shows up at just the right time.
I feel for you Christine, I really do. I have 3 kids, my husband works away often, I live 30 minutes from anywhere and I spend 2-3 hours in my car daily. I work, I run a business and the kids are all in activities. I am so busy giving that I often forget myself. I have a few things that help and keep me in line.
1. I take time to meditate. This is not hours long ‘ommmm’ sessions. Sometimes I get 5 or 10 minutes. I set my alarm on my phone and stop to breathe. Sometimes I pop in a cd that is a guided one for say…20 minutes. Sometimes this is in a car waiting outside a rink or a dance studio. You do not need to be in lotus position or have a ton of time. It centers me and clears my head.
2. I choose my attitude. A concious choice. Who do I want to be today? Not necessarily ‘me time’ but it affects my whole day.
3. Take a bit of time to do something that you are passionate about. Talk about it. Get everyone excited that you are doing it too. I love to do the make-up for theater productions. I don’t do a ton but when I do it energizes me and makes me remember who I am (beyond mummy and wife and all of those other hats that we wear)
4. Take time to see a friend. Sometimes a walk with a friend is almost a mini vacation. Choose someone who makes you feel great when you leave. Surround yourself with people who make you better, not ones who make you feel guilty or insignificant.
5. I gave permission to a couple of friends to remind me to spend some time with ME! They are my ‘guardians’. They are totally allowed to call me on being too centered on everyone else and give me that push I need for ‘me time’.
6. Take mini-vacations. For me…an hour in Chapters with a latte and I come out feeling like a new woman. Or I am out running errands I will treat myself to a lunch like Sushi that my family doesn’t like. You have to eat anyway…why not something you love?
There are always more examples…but maybe one or two will help. Heck if you have any more I am always learning too! 🙂
Enjoy your day! I am off to see some suppliers (and maybe having a super yummy coffee along the way)
Take Care!