A couple weeks ago I sat down with Lindsey Deluce, News Anchor from CP24 Breakfast Show, and talked to her about being a mom, her return to work and finding balance. Lindsey lives in Toronto with her husband and her 15-month-old daughter Brooklyn. Here’s how she manages to juggle it all being a very early morning news anchor:
1. How does your day unfold?
I’m out of bed at 3:30 a.m., arrive at the studio at 4:00 a.m., go into make up, run through the line-up and I’m on air by 5:00 a.m. To save time I get a blow out once a week and H&M sponsors my wardrobe. Since I get dressed in the dark I have been known to arrive at the studio with different coloured shoes. My “work day” ends at 10:00 a.m.
2. When do you hang with Brooklyn?
Despite the crazy early mornings, I feel fortunate because I’m finished for the day at 10:00 a.m. and can hang out with Brooklyn and do weekday activities. We do a music class together on Mondays and we go on play dates. I thought I would be spending more time with her after work, but I tend to pick her up at 5:00 so I can get other things done throughout the day.
3. What’s your childcare arrangement?
Obviously my husband is on morning duty. We share a nanny with my sister and rotate houses one month on, one month off. The nanny arrives at 7:30 a.m. and stays until 5:30 p.m., she prepares all of the meals and arranges play dates. It’s nice because Brooklyn gets to hang out with her cousin every day. We decided to go with a nanny because in the city it’s just more affordable.
4. Do you have any family rituals?
We have really gotten into having a family dance party. Brooklyn gets her groove on to anything with a beat. We also LOVE outdoor activities and spend a lot of time at our family cottage/farm.
5. What do you like best about your current set-up?
I love that I have the flexibility of seeing Brooklyn during the day and taking her classes. Since I have to get up so early we almost have the same bedtime!
6. What do you find difficult about your set-up?
Obviously the hours. The early mornings are brutal and it’s difficult finding time at night to hang out with my husband since I have to be in bed so early. He is also on night duty, so if Brooklyn wakes up in the night he’s the first response. I find it difficult not to swoop in and take over because I know I can settle her faster.
7. How do you fit in time for your marriage?
We strongly enforce an early bedtime for Brooklyn – she’s usually tucked in by 6:15 p.m. We also take advantage of babysitters on the weekends. We have a great network of friends that have recommended babysitters and our family is nearby, so we’re lucky.
8. How do you fit in “me time”?
I fit time for myself in after work. I see a trainer once a week and do yoga. I thought I would pick Brooklyn up much earlier, but I like taking some time during the day to get my own things done.
9. How do you divide household responsibilities?
I handle groceries and cooking dinner since I’m home early. I also take care of all shopping for Brooklyn. We invested in a cleaning lady which is the best thing ever. My husband takes care of garbage. All of the other responsibilities just kind of fall into place.
10. Has having a child impacted your job as a news anchor?
Yes! Big time! It’s very difficult for me to process any news about children. All of the stories I read about children really hit home now.
11. Have you read the book Lean In? What are your thoughts?
Yes I read it. I thought it was really inspiring. The concept is empowering, honest and important and I identified with a lot of the things she discussed. I was raised with strong, working females and so I always knew I would be a working mom. It also helps that CP24 is very family friendly and my bosses are moms themselves who are driven and fair.
12. What advice would you give to new moms about how to balance work and life?
Ask for help and take time for yourself. I was resistant to letting people help me at the beginning, but then I realized they want to help me, not take responsibility away from me. Advice is also not always critical, it’s often helpful. I love being a mom, but getting back to work opened the door for me to start living my life again. It was a stepping stone to feeling normal.
Thanks Lindsey and welcome back!!
First of all. No one cares about your opinion. You obviously have no children or shouldn’t have them or a wife for that matter. Pregnant women are beautiful and it’s a miracle and a privilege to create another human being. Hopefully not one like you!
Dear Mrs. I myself don’t like pregnant woman on TV, although they have right to be pregnant, just not on TV. Probably, because they all look bad. If you have to, please, ware maternity dresses. Many of them are nice looking. And it make you to look dignified, not like idiot, or hooker.
PS. Another thing. Please [all of you] act like gowned up on the “your morning”
Is this reply even English???
Dear Mrs. I myself don’t like pregnant women on TV . I want to see a news. It is bad enough to see Mr. Mulroney, acting as an idiot. I do believe in rights of women to be pregnant. It is beautiful transition in life, but not on TV!. If you have to , please ware maternity dresses! Many of them are very nice and it make’s you look dignified! Many of women are not intelligent enough to make them selves look nice.
Sincerely Henry Pospisil.
PS. Please, stop all act like you just left a kindergarten!!!!!!!!