Apologies for using this space as my personal dumping ground lately, but please just listen…K?
I’m the kind of person that is very affected by my surroundings. If things are off kilter in my home my whole life seems like it’s out of control. That’s why undergoing home renovations, probably isn’t the best thing for my sanity, or my health. Put a two month old baby, a toddler, a growing business, plus all of the other “stuff” in the mix and I’m finding it difficult to stay positive.
After a bout of mastitis last week and now a cold (I kent breeve) I’m wondering if I’m going to feel normal any time soon. Fortunately after some late-night Facebook creeping I found my answer. I saw an old friend of mine had posted about how she’s hitting the reset button thanks to a blog post written by Sarah May B. This formula for happiness takes two minutes every day for 21 days and rewires your brain to think more positively. SOLD!
So I have decided to get all Oprah on you and give this a try. It can’t hurt right?
Here’s what you do:
- Some kind of physical exercise (a stroll at lunch or taking the stairs instead of the elevator).
- Some kind of meditation (sitting quietly and breathing for just a minute, yoga).
- Write down 3 new things you’re grateful for.
- Write down 1 positive experience you had today.
- Perform conscious acts of kindness: Thank someone in your social support network or say something nice to a person at work or randomly on the street – whatever it is, take positive actions toward another person. No minimum, no maximum.
Today I’m grateful for my amazing mother who let us totally crash her pad for two months this summer, my Dad and Debbie who came into the city on Saturday night to babysit L’il E so that the Hubs and I could feel normal and go out to a party and the Hubs who took care of everything last night so I could go to bed and sleep off this nasty cold.
So who’s with me? I’m already feeling a little better.
Fantastic and perfect timing for a reset. I’m with you, and grateful today for some wonderful news we got on the weekend about my mother’s health, the father of my daughter’s friend who sent me an email saying all was ok after a rough school drop off, and my husband who made 2 trips to the grocery store and 2 to the hardware store last weekend. Positively, I got to watch my daughter run cross-country today. Now to figure out a conscious act of kindness…