For 10 days I have been sick. No, it’s not H1N1 but in some ways I think I might have been better off if it was. With all the media attention creating a public frenzy I could not get in to see a doctor to save my life – literally. So I have been tending to my own chest infection with slow but steady results. And yesterday I posted about the overwhelming stream of conflicting information not just about the virus itself but about the new vaccine. What’s a mom to do?
But today I received the best medicine from a very unlikely source and I think we could all use a dose of it. Check it out:
So I’m trying to put it all in perspective and Just Breathe…but not too deeply, especially in a crowd, or around someone with a cough, and I’m avoiding public places, and obsessing over Purel…
Good commercial…so true. sad to say we need another news story to bump the media frenzy .Michael Jackson death a hoax or Brangelina break up brad admits he’s gay….I’m sick of H1N1
that’s impressive coming from pfizer. sorry to hear you’ve been unwell…
Okay, I am crying at the baby bit! Just need to breathe – hehe. Thanks