It’s amazing how some milestones hit us more than others. Maybe I’m feeling a bit emotional because our toilet training days seem to be over. (and by emotional I mean over the effing MOON!). We’re almost a week accident free and yes, thanks, I know I likely just jinxed it.
Yesterday, we passed another milestone. His car seat is officially garbage. Tossed out in all it crumb-filled glory. And for some bizarre reason, it really got me.
I think because this is where we started…
One little, tiny baby the size of 20 quarter pounders. He was so small that he had to pass this oxygen test in his car seat in order to leave the hospital. He was surrounded by towels and facecloths and anything that would allow him to somehow fill in the bucket! (and keep his airways open).
Cue to today:
One big assed, big mouthed, kindergarten’er. Fully filling up his new booster seat. It has cup holders…you know for his coffee?!
What’s next? He’ll be driving!!! Then driving to university! Then he’ll be driving to the airport after his wedding! Then he’ll be driving to B.C. or something with his new partner and they’ll only come back to visit at Christmas, but since he’s such a sweet husband, they’ll spend it at HER parents house because that’s what she wants. Then they’ll have a baby but she’ll only let her mother come to the……
WAIT. Okay. Breathing. It’s just a godforsaken booster seat.
But seriously…where’s my baby?
Oh my god I can’t even think of that yet.
Wait until they can sit in the car without any kind of supplemental appliance! Oh, and Charlotte officially just graduated to a legal front-seat passenger, as well as adult-Tylenol-taker (hit twelve and life really takes off…why not let the kid vote for heaven’s sake!)
Anyway, cheers to Will! He looks so super-duper excited to have his big boy seat and congrats to you, Mom, on handling the transition with such grace 🙂
It all goes by in such a blur, huh? *sniff*
don’t you find it freakiest when you go into their rooms at night to see their bodies lying still ad their big feet hanging out of the bed?
Seriously fast folks.
fortunately every stage is sweeter then the next. xxx
YAY Will!
This is a HUGE deal!
Eva will be 6 in January and she is still in her 5pt harness as she’s still sitting at 36/37lbs. (although her carseat in my van takes her up to 60lbs).
It’s a litle bit of extra freedom in that you can very easily transition the booster from one vehicle to another, instead of fidgeting with LATCH clips and tether straps.
I think it will be a little bittersweet when Eva is finally out of a carseat because I’ve had a careseat in my vehicle since 2001. It will be very strange to look back and not see a carseat…