This baby, the one who stretched my body more than the others, and who has also stretched the limits of my patience and broadened the limits of my love, she went to kindergarten today.
She was so excited, so ready. And I was too.
But then I looked back at this photo, remembering the blur of years when she was an infant and toddler and I was so, so tired, and I feel like I missed so many of those days and with a quick blink, they are gone and she is off like a rocket into a new life now. We are also still searching for answers about the swollen lymph nodes in her neck, so my emotions are a bit more raw than usual, realizing how uncertain and fast this life thing truly is.
She also turned five yesterday too.
Happy Birthday, Karenna!
And then after her birthday party one of her little friends fell off a ledge and landed on the back of her head on the concrete ground and had a huge goose-egg and maybe a concussion so we sped to the walk-in clinic and met her mom there and thankfully she’s OK but it took me the rest of the day to stop reeling and shaking, feeling so awful about the tumble and what could have been.
There’s been a lot going on, is what I’m saying.
One day at a time, is all we can do. One precious, tiring, beautiful day at a time.
“One precious, tiring, beautiful day at a time.”
That’s all we can do, lady. And you’re doing it in spades, darling Amanda! Happy Birthday to your wonderful girl!! xox
You’re one of the strongest friends I have. Love you. xo