I find the mornings can still be rushed… or, perhaps they’re relatively easy at 9:30 AM, but when I look up again and it’s 11:05 AM and realise we have to be at camp in twenty-five minutes (where does the time go?) and I’m not quite dressed to leave the house for the day, and one lunch still requires packing, so off we run…
And when I get back into the house and begin to tidy up a bit, I often find this kind of scene in the tv room where Madame spends a good portion of her morning:
All of her little people are lined up around the perimeter of the coffee table this way (or sometimes they’re in a perfect square) and everyone has something to eat.
I’m choosing to believe she’s anal organised, generous, and loves to throw a party… just like her mum. (Heh.)
Her other favourite thing of late it to do this:
She lines up her stuffies on the couch, strums her ukelele, and sings Old McDonald’s Had a Farm (please note the “s” here) and when she gets to “…and on that farm he had a…?” she pauses appropriately, scans the couch for some cue from Bert or from Bunny, or from Horton, or Snooki’s Mom (see endnote), and in a hushed tone finally says, “cow” and then quickly cries, “COW!!… E-I-E-I-OOOOOO…“
It’s really the cutest thing ever. And the best part is, she’s doing it all by herself, unconcerned about me at all. In fact, if I hang around too long watching her, she politely invites me to “go away, please…” and makes me skeddadle out of the room.
Imagine that.
Endnote: Snooki’s Mom is the name we’ve given this very weird and racy-looking “doll” with glossy black hair with fuschia streaks in it, pictured in the centre of the couch. She was a gift. She came with high-heeled shoes, a sparkly jacket and bustier, and has bendy wire legs. We nicknamed her Snooki’s Mom only because “old French whore” just seemed wrong to say out loud in front of the child. She will become “lost” as soon as I deem it’s time. That might be a whooooole other post.
Do your kids play on their own? What’s a favourite solo-game at your house?
Ha, ha I love it! “Old French Whore!” Too funny! Your daughter is just ridiculously cute by the way!
Oh Tracey,
That is sooooo cute. I love the little peeps and the food! I see a little pink teapot made from recycled plastic that we also have.
I also love the stuffie line up.
We get both of these scenarios, especially the stuffie line up and the singing. But we don’t have a little guitar (ukelele?)
The little peeps at our house often get stuffed into little “houses”, boots, shoes, purses, you name it, it’s a house.
My girls play together a lot. Sometimes they want me involved, mostly not. Sometimes they play independently too, especially Fiona.
We need a better shot of Snookie’s Mom, I can’t see her well enough.
All sorts of precious as usual. Can’t wait to see you and yours! (Fbook msg me your # as the massive tech fail has demolished my contact list!) In town the 20-28th! Mark your calendar!