The TV room turns from comfortable viewing room with books and toys into a pit of mass destruction in a nanosecond, with the small child in the house. She can trash a room like nobody’s business, yo.
As I have a walk through, picking up toys, dressing naked dolls, and re-shelving strewn books, I often find her little critters amongst the stack. But, it’s the way she’s got them situated that always make my curious.
Me: Um… what happened to this one?
She: Oh, her? She’s in time-out.
Me: I see that. How come?
She: She’s in time-out because she was antagonizing her brother.
Me: Really? What did she do?
She: You know, an-TAG-o-ni-zing. She was bothering him.
Me: I know what antagonizing means, girl… I mean, how was she doing it?
She: Oh. Well, she wouldn’t eat her beans and was throwing them on the floor. *gives me a look with round eyes that says that’s bad, right?*
Me: Yeah, but how was that antagonizing him?
She: He wanted the beans. *blinks*
Me: *blinks* Oh. Well, then.
That’s pretty much how things go at our house. Heh.