It is 11:20 AM, and candy is Ava Scarlett’s favourite food group.

She: Can I have something to eat, please?
Me: Yes, darling! What would you like?
She: Can I have some Swedish Berries?
Me: Um… okay.
She: Can I have ten?
Me: You can have six.
She: *pleading face* Ten?
Me: *mouths silently* Six.
She: *brow furrows* Not ten?
Me: *firmly* NOT ten. Six.
She: *cocks head* How about seven?
Me: *cocks eyebrow* How about five?
She: *defeated* Okay, I’ll have six.
Aaaaand, scene.
Sometimes she treats me like it’s my first day on this job. Like I’m new here, or something. Pfft… please.
I guess she’s learning from her brother, who is also a little negotiator. Punk kid.
Got a terrorist looking to negotiate at your house?
Such a punk, ohmygod…
I love that I now have a total visual of this….hilarious.