Oliver got busy turning EIGHT last week (holy crap, didn’t he just turn seven?) and the festivities have been drawn out over the last bunch of days, which suits me just fine. Having a birthday time, feels like more fun than just celebrating on a single day anyway. Spread… it… out… yo.

He wanted to have sushi for dinner, and a chocolate cake. And indeed, I did bake him a cake about an hour before the sushi arrived, but he was so full, he asked if we could just have cake tomorrow instead? That’s cool with me, my love. (In fact, we only cut and served him the first piece on Saturday morning, TWO DAYS LATER, after breakfast, with a sparkler in it. We’re so not hardcore with the timing of things.)
He wanted to have friends over to play video games for the afternoon, with pizza and cake (yes, I baked another one) with ice cream at the end. Of course, my darling, what ever you want.
He: Do you think when my friends come over we could also have chips?
Me: For sure! It’s a party!!
He: And if I ask them to use a napkin, can we have… Doritos? *solemn eyes*
Me: *tries not to smirk* Um, sure.
That orange cheese dust? Well, let’s just say other-peoples-kids have a tendency to wipe said orange-y fingers on cushions and carpets, and also like to make riotous games of face-planting into white couches, over and over again. So. I tend to avoid serving foods with the cheese dust whenever possible. But I give in for birthday parties. See how much LOVE I have for the children? See??!
He: And can we have salami?
Me: Salami? I think so… yes!
He: And, can we have shrimp cocktail? You know, with that pink sauce for dipping?
He is one hundred percent serious.
Me: *stifles huge laughter* Shrimp cocktail? Um… suuuuuure…
He: But maybe you can make some of those crudites too, like cucumbers and peppers and things like that? But not mushrooms. I don’t think anyone likes those. Just regular vegetables.
Me: Yes, well… no mushrooms, just the regular stuff… anything else?
He: Do you think we can have juice boxes? I think maybe glasses of juice is not such a good idea. Drinks could spill.
Me: Right. That’s smart.
He: And can we get fruit punch ones? Oscar likes fruit punch.
Me: *smiling* I’ll look for some.
He: And maybe lemonade too. It’s nice to have some choices.
Me: Choices are good! I’ll see what I can find, okay?
He: Okay. *thinks* That’s all.
Me: *counts off on fingers* So, it’s chips, shrimp cocktail with crutides and dip, salami, fruit punch and lemonade… is that right?
He: And Doritos.
Me: Yes, right.
He: Maybe we should make a list.
Me: Yes, maybe we should.
And we did make a list. And we served everything he wanted, only I didn’t see lemonade at the store when I shopped, and we had to settle for apple-grape juice instead of fruit punch *shakes angry fist at crappy supermarket suppliers* but nobody seemed to mind. It was a great little party, planned by my sophisticated little dude. Colin Cowie, WATCH OUT!!
He turned EIGHT last Thursday. When he got home from school, he said, “I think I grew.”
I said, “I know you did.”
Oh, my beautiful boy…
He is can be fairly quiet and serious, but man, the kid’s laugh is still completely infectious… just like when he was a baby. He’s kind of shy, but really, he doesn’t talk if he has nothing to say – he’s selective too. (Unlike his sister, who’s become the most talkingest child you’ve ever heard… ) It’s because he’s usually such a thoughtful child that he can break my heart in a moment of offhandedness – fortunately, these are rarities. I expect a lot of him… I have to remind myself that he’s still small yet. He’s still learning about the world. He works hard at being a good boy, and really shows. It radiates.
He’s sweet. He’s smart. He’s polite. He’s brave. He’s kind. He’s ours.
And, he’s the world’s.
Happy birthday, my lovely boy, my heart. Oliver Chase, you make us so very proud!!
PS – I love catching you dancing when you think no one is looking. Maybe one day, you’ll do it out loud…
Awwww… thanks, Jen! He’s pretty easy to love, this kid. And he IS kinda handsome. I guess the other one is alright too… they can stay. I guess. 😉
I welled up reading this, Tracey. I love how well you know him and love him exactly how he is.
Btw, those are two of the most beautiful children I have ever laid eyes on!
Re: cheesies – you were raised right, Julie.
And I SWEAR he says crudites every time. It’s the only way he knows… blame it on his father, the Francophone. (I blame him for EVERYTHING!)
always eat cheezies with a fork…just sayin’
he did NOT say “crudites” did he? seriously? give the l’il dude 8 b-day hugs for me. he can host my parties anytime!
Oh, what a lovely thing to say – thank you! And thanks so much for reading!!
I swept the clutter under the rug… (heh.)
And YES, Cheesies are TOTALLY the worst! We (almost) never have them around here. 😉
happy birthday to your beautiful little man- the one who made you a momma!
(Your life is a photo shoot!!! Where is the clutter??? If I didn’t like you so much I wouldn’t)
PS Cheesies are the worst.
He’s a doll! Happy Bday Oliver! Tracey, I LOVE reading about your family, it always hits home for me! Thanks!
He’s a good boy, Amanda… we are so lucky. 🙂
Happy Birthday, beautiful boy! It sounds like a really great birthday celebration, for sure. You are a fabulous momma to that fabulous boy!