While winter in Toronto seems agonizingly long, every time I blink I find the spring months passing by and the summer quickly approaching. Summer planning for our boys is trying to find the balance between organized activities, the peppering of do nothing weeks, where they can ride bikes, catch bugs and stay in the pj’s all day and finally a couple of weeks of organized family vacation.
Well I just got off the phone with a camp in Collingwood, bartering my pancreas so both boys could spend a week splashing around in a pool all day. Thus completing our eight week allocation of what the hell to do with our two boys when they are not in school in July and August.
This year’s biggest change was the agreement of our eldest son to attend Kilcoo, an overnight boys camp. The first two weeks in August, he will be away hopefully having the time of his life, even if the first two nights will seem like anxious hell. Last year he was dead against it, having a tough time at a two-night tester the previous summer. This year he seems fine, a bit high pitched and trembly when claiming to be excited, but with a friend from school also attending, he is genuinely curious about what type of fun can be had when away from your folks for two whole weeks.
I longed to go to overnight camp when I was kid. Actually the envy came into play in my teenage years when I realized how deep and strong the bonds forged by my peers who went to camp together. I went to some YMCA-based day camps that were tons a fun, but nothing compared to the toothpastey, bandanna, flip flop farty fun kids can have when staying eight to a bunk for umpteen nights in a row. While it took a huge chunk of money to send him this year, we are really excited for him to go.
Tasman’s trade off is a great day camp near our house during the the same time his brother is away at Kilcoo. When it comes right down to it, Tasman will miss Hud the most. Even with the four year gap, they are still really close friends.
Summer buds
There is a week of basketball camp for both boys in August and a week at the cottage with just me as my wife’s new job is placing extra demands on her time. There is two days camping on Lake Huron with some close friends, which should be a hoot as none of us are true campers. And another two weeks of loafing, no real rules, no schedules to keep, just hanging out, getting outside at some point with friends and enjoying the very short summer season.
What do you do?
Do you over program or under program your kids during the summer?
I’m looking at the calendar these days for my kids, also… I’m just not sure WHAT to do. I’m sure Hud’s gonna LOVE Kilcoo…
I do think it’s important to let them have lots of unscheduled down time, especially during the summer. Sounds like it’s gonna be great for them both!