Once when I was little I was sucking on a penny, because I could, my mom said, “Honey, spit that out, money is so dirty.”
Later I married so much for love with no consideration for (how the other felt about) money that I almost drowned in debt.
I have had an overarching love/hate relationship with money in my life. Sometimes it has been a good thing- my values lie in the right spot. Sometimes it has been a bad thing- money can be a slave and does not need to be a master. That is a good thing to embrace.
I have warmed to this notion.
When women ask me how much something is in my business they often whisper it like it is a bad word, a secret, something naughty. I offer my price in a firm and matter of fact voice. Money and value are something to discuss openly, not with shame, not with concern that it makes you something you are not.
Money is an enabler- a friend- it can patch your roof when it is leaking, it can make pretty and nice and yummy and possible. It can offer adventure and comfort and solace.
It is not love. It is not family. It is not health. But is can take all those things and make them easier and a little better.
Tell me, what are your views about money (and read on my other blog about mine) and what value are you placing on it with your children?
“money can be a slave and does not need to be a master.”
That’s a quote I need to have tattooed on the inside of my eyelids! I am always, it seems, looking for more of it…always just a little bit short. Better habits and more attention are probably (certainly) in order, but an attitude shift would likely make it more possible. Love your perspective on this!
thanks Kath
I feel the same- need to remember it all!