I didn’t know I was having one of “those” days until I broke down in front of two women in the nursing room at IKEA yesterday.
Yep it happened and there were hugs exchanged with complete strangers so thank you to whoever you two are. You really made my day.
As you know we’ve go a lot going on right now in addition to our two month old. I was at IKEA trying to piece together interior shelves and drawers for a couple of PAX wardrobes (why?!). Needless to say I left empty handed, cheeks tear stained and an urge to just climb into bed.
To the experienced mom this may all sound too familiar. We’re allowed to have these days, public outbursts included. I was fatigued, my milk ducts were blocked and I was sitting in IKEA in pain. I just wanted to be transported to my home.
I remember getting blocked ducts with L’il E, but this time it’s really bad. I went to the doctor just to be on the safe side and she told me to essentially milk myself (oh the dignity) in a hot, steamy shower and use hot compresses, plus feed, feed, feed. Do you know how exhausting that is?!
As I sat in our hallway, topless and hooked up to the pump I cried, well it was more like sobbed. Thank God I made the Hubs and L’il E stay downstairs.
Fortunately today is a better day. I’ve got an antibiotic ointment for my painful breasts that is working slowly but surely and I’m keeping check on how I’m feeling with an antibiotic prescription ready to be filled. For now though I’m on compress, massage, nurse, repeat. Here are some great tips that provided me with some solace.
Where have you broken down?
I had similar problems breastfeeding with my second baby. I feel your pain! It was not until my fourth baby that breastfeeding finally went the way I thought it was supposed to! You can read about my experiences at: http://www.mamamusing.ca
You are SO not alone. I think a lot of woman have gone through similar. Breastfeeding isn’t as automatic and natural as we’d like to imagine it. Personally, I have chronically clogged ducts. No amount of massage, baby/hand/pump expression could extract milk from me. Warm compresses, warm showers.. nothing worked. I still remember the pain and the heat of my distended, rock hard breasts. Worse still, was the burning jealousy of other mothers who seemed to do it so naturally. It was exhausting both physically and emotionally. All the while, my child had jaundice and was losing weight due to not being able to feed from my milk. The pressure mounted and eventually I had to turn to formula. I am so happy for you that you have had some success. I wish I did. Anyway honey.. melt down all you need to. All of us mothers understand. Big Hugs.
Thanks! I’m on antibiotics now and feeling slightly better, but they’re still in pain. I nursed my other son no problem until he was 14 months. This time I’m ready to throw in the towel after 2 months!
Oh hon, we have all been there – had bad days, had trying days and yes, even broken down in front of strangers! Nursing rooms can be such a great place for support. SO glad to hear that two other Moms supported you in your time of need. Being a Mom is difficult. Being a new Mom or a Mom to a new baby is hard. Add in the sleepless nights and you are lucky if you make it through each day without at least one melt down! It sounds like you need some pampering 🙂 Have you heard of MommiesFirst?
I do need some pampering. In fact I was thinking about how nice it would be to check into a hotel for a night and just sleep under a nice plush duvet, but who am I kidding? I will look into MommiesFirst. Thanks!
I know when I had my “down”/difficult moments when I was sleep deprived and/or struggling with a newborn that treating myself to something always helped to “bring me back up again”. Be sure to check out MommiesFirst (yes, I’m biased b/c I work for them BUT they really are amazing!).
Oh lady… rough times – I remember. (Kinda… it’s all so foggy now thank goodness.) I feel for you. That “wives tale” about surrounding the engorged breast(s) with cabbage leaves isn’t bunk at all, but “milking” yourself is mos def faster.
Don’t be afraid to let it all out… most women have been there. And if they haven’t, most good ladies can recognise a sistah in need. Let people lend you a shoulder. Karma and such. 😉
I didn’t have this problem but my sister did and she said a diaper soaked in water and warmed in the microwave changed her life and made her ducks flow again. Just make sure the diaper is clean (wink, wink).