This is what our bed looks like most mornings. The Hubs and I hanging on for dear life to our respective sides and L’il E and LJ sprawled out in the middle.
We have always been in the “kids sleep in their own beds” camp – L’il E was in his own crib and bedroom as soon as we got home from the hospital – but things have been slightly different with LJ due to the house renovations. He’s been sleeping in a bassinet beside our bed and now he’s sleeping outside our bedroom in a crib in the hall. Every morning we hear the pat-pat-pat of L’il E’s feet and he hops into bed to start off his day, I’m totally cool with that, but lately he’s been getting into bed with us in the middle of the night and I’m SO NOT cool with that. I’m already getting very little sleep, so I need those precious few hours between feedings. If not, I end up walking around like a zombie.
I’ve read all kinds of things that say your kids are getting into bed with you int the night because they are looking for more attention from you, but I find that difficult to believe. We both equally spend loads of time with L’il E so the only thing I can chalk it up to is he wants what LJ’s got. I’m guessing he sees LJ in bed with us while I’m nursing him and thinks he should be there too?
We’ve been doing a good job of walking him back to his own bed when he makes his night time visits, but I want to nip this before it gets out of control.
Anyone have any tips? We’ve already started looking into king size beds 😉
i think the less you say, the better. no midnight conversations, just a “good night” and go back to bed. i would love it if my kids would come in and snuggle but they are restless and drive me nuts. if you want me at my best, you’ll let me sleep uninterrupted 🙂
I think just swiftly returning him to his bed every time should help – indeed, nipping habits like this in the bud right away is the only way to survive. Get all your rest, lady! Good luck!!