The last two weeks have been utter chaos in our house. L’il E is making the transition from diapers to underwear and it’s been an experience. The books make it all sound so romantic, but potty training or potty “learning” is total BS. I’m not diggin’ it!
Now I know some kids pick it up right away with little problems and I’m sure the books have some merit, but I’m so fed up right now that I’m feeling rather skeptical.
So without further ado here are 8 things you can expect when you cross to the other side – the scary (and very messy) world of underwear.
1. I hope you don’t have any white furniture! Every surface of your house will be a landing pad for poo and pee. It’ll get messy. Your kid will deliberately pee and poo in his/her underwear while looking you right in the eye.
2. Your sweet, precious little one will turn into a complete psycho. Expect tantrums, fits, freak-outs, sleepless nights, irregular eating and general bad behaviour.
3. You think you bought enough underwear right? Ha! Think again! You’ll need at least 20 pair so don’t buy the super expensive ones at the chic boutiques, go to Walmart and buy the waffle undies in bulk. Your little one will go through at least 5 pair a day (I’m not exaggerating!).
4. While you’re at Walmart stock up on laundry detergent and stain remover. You thought you did a lot of laundry already.
5. Leaving the house will feel like the newborn days all over again. Don’t leave the house without multiple change of clothes, underwear, wipes and plastic bags. The one time you think he/she won’t take a dump while you’re out he/she will. I have the badge to prove it.
6. Bribery will be your new favourite tactic. This is no time to hold back on sweets, treats, and stickers. Use whatever it takes to get those cute little butt cheeks to sit on the potty.
7. Put your life on hold. You will have no time to do much other than follow your toddler around with the potty. You will be on constant watch.
8. Laugh and celebrate each small success. You’ll want to rip you’re hair out and maybe punch a hole in the wall because damnit you just want your kid to succeed. So to keep your sanity remember to try to have fun with it and don’t let it get to you. Before long they’ll be using the toilet and these days will be a distant memory.
So I hope I haven’t scared you too much, but it really is this bad. I recommend ditching the books and just following your kids lead with obviously some soft encouragement on your part.
What have your experiences with potty training been like? Any tips for the newbies?
I’m with Julie! Except the potty part…yeah I kept that around. But oh god I was lazy on the rest – I just let him tell me when he was ready. I’m trying to remember now how we even did it….does it just get banished from our minds so we don’t have to think about it??
my advice? don’t bother 🙂
i know it sounds weird but it just turns into a power struggle and once they figure out that friends and everyone else in the world goes to the bathroom properly they’ll just sit and go. having a kid in diapers is waaaaayyyyyy easier than having a kid you are training and you’re out and about. cleaner, less stress, less packing…i could go on!
i also refused to use a proper “potty” because a) they’re disgusting (here’s a wee can full of poop! i get to clean it up! yay!) and b) i want them to use the toilet, not a wee can to sit on. the reason for that was i had a friend who’s daughter would only go on a potty and refused to sit on a “big” toilet. she was trained to ONLY use the potty so now she had to train 2x as long. i felt that if they didn’t have another option then that’s where you went. that being said i did have a smaller seat that you can fit over the toilet seat because i have kids with small bums and that hole is pretty big 🙂
Sound ** not shlound
I am a. Mother of 3 girls and 3 boys and i will tell you potty training for everyone of them was different .However i did find that introducing them to the idea of the “big people” way of using the washroom just a small approach to initiate the idea went a long ways. And i was also a mom who the my lil ones go free range for a bit as well .. i tried pull ups but thise were a waste of $$$ cause your pretty much letting them know its ok to still mess in their pants. .. cause face the facts its still a diaper..
Children are smarter and wiser then we give them credit for .. its honestly the same role as training a house pet.. patience and no stress.. they seem to lock up as soon as they see that you are upset and disappointed.. more so cause by an anxiety of they dont want to feel like they are in trouble as well as due to the fact that its their body and they are quite honestly embarrassed to share those first few times with us .. they’ve always had the securty of just running off and playing and well just letting it go ..
Another thing i tried as well with a couple of my children .. as funny as this will shlound .. but if i noticed they went off on their own to do their business i would make it a point to join them … builds a comfortable bond with them .. kinda coach them on a bit .. and eventually you will find that that diaperwil come off … be pursuasive thou .. say things like would you like to hold my hand .. and well what a big ” boy or girl” you are becoming.. just think how much easier it be when you can use the potty like me.. always make sure that if they are using the diaper its for a reason.. basically need to make them feel comfortable enough to take the diaper off with you and openly expose themselves to you at what we have as a private time. 🙂 and after they use their diaper offer to clean them up right away and ask them to help you . And try to convince them each time to try it the way you do .. 🙂
And i agree books were not for me … each child is different. Books are a great source of information but not necessarily the answers that are best for your sitiation.
Uch… I remember it well (still) and I’m still hoping those memories will fade fast.
It is a process – and yes, you have to be diligent and consistent. I used a book by Gin Ford called “Potty Training in One Week” and it worked for me (for both kids) but really… it’s a freaking full-time job getting it to work well. Seriously. And the failures can be… epic.
You hang in there, woman – as you said, before long he’ll be using the toilet like a champ… it’s soon!!