I am the exact same person I was before I had a baby, except fatter and as a result of pregnancy hormones there are now three whiskers on my chin for which I keep tweezers in my purse. Motherhood is not where the lessons were, for me. Toddlerhood on the other hand … there are a lot of things to be learned from toddlers.
Below, I have helpfully compiled a list of my top ten toddler takeaways. Every day I learn something new – and sometimes terrible – but these are the most consistent lessons.

Top 10 Toddler Lessons
1. If you don’t like it, don’t eat it.
2. If you fall face first onto the sidewalk, just get up and keep waddling.
3. If you love something, love it with your whole body and face.
4. Wear what makes you happy, even if what makes you happy is a fedora.
5. Pants are for people who don’t have anything fun to do.
6. Boredom is the result of a lack of imagination – get into everything, and explore.
7. To avoid becoming overwhelmed, say no often and emphatically.
8. Everything is a choking hazard – don’t put anything in your mouth that you can’t swallow whole.
9. Just be you, even when being you means bugging other people.
10. All you need to be truly happy is a drink and a sandwich.
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