Wow. It sounds like a broken record around UrbanMoms today but what a fantastic weekend.
The weather. The boy. BBQ. Beer. Fireworks. All were incredible. We spent a ton of time with our neighbours this weekend. It was perfect. The six kids were running back and forth between the three backyards – collecting snails and hopping in turtle pools. We all had dinner on Saturday night. Seriously it was like freaking Pleasantville around here. The only thing missing was an apple pie.
On Sunday, we went to my friend Molly’s for her annual neighbourhood fireworks show. It’s changed over the years. I’ve gone from childless drunk to expectant mom to infant breastfeeder to mother of preschooler. Even the fireworks have changed! They’ve gone from duds to some pretty ‘cool’ ones (in Will’s words).
Last year, Will and I cuddled up under a blanket, eating popcorn and drinking hot chocolate. I was looking forward to it again. Yeah. That dream is over. At just four years of age (almost), I got the ‘Mom, I want to sit with the kids’ and he left me. I’m not going to lie – when one of the fireworks fell over and went shooting over our heads – I was sort of happy he was scared. I wanted the cuddles. And goddamn I wish I had a video camera to film three insane mothers diving over the crowd to get to our babies.
I thought I had a few more years at least! Really – independent at four? Booo. Boo I say. Soon I’ll just be the ass wiping; popcorn making; playdate making slave to an independent four year old. Thank GOD for scary movies and the Rainforest Cafe. I’ll take my hugs where I can get ’em.
I admit it was difficult with the onset of independence in the beginning, but no worries ladies. They always come back to momma. LOL.
I have 3. One who lives across the country. Even thou it is so far away I still received calls for advice when purchasing new items for the newly purchased condo or for cooking lessons over the phone. Plus the oldest who lives on their own still calls me everyday for advice or to just talk about how each others day went. The youngest still lives with me, but will be going back to school (3.5hours away) for the second year of college. It gets quite when they all leave, but you do get used to it and you enjoy the time you have with them even more.
It is hard Sara! I am at a few different type of stages of independence – one a teenager, ane almost a teenager and now my two little guys no longer need me to hold them or feed them (of course just to be their ass wipers!lol) I cry many times but as independent as they become be reassured that they always come back to mama:)
It’s hard when they want to do things on their own and then you become the observer and just the waitress….but my almost 7 year old still wants cuddles when he falls, before bedtime, watching a movie, in the morning when he wakes up and he has to hug me before I leave him at school before the bell rings(he will look around the playground for me and coming crashing into me with the best hug)…those are moments I love and look forward to and hold onto until he says “mom can you go now”