My favourite thing about kids is the randomness that comes out of their mouths. I would love to get inside their little heads one day to see where all their thoughts come from. They don’t think like we do, for example, as an adult we think logically: 2 + 2 = 4. A kid thinks 2 + a unicorn = tennis racquet, and that’s what makes them some awesomely unique. Kids just do and say whatever they want, there’s no politics, no posturing, and no “will this make me look bad.” They are all about instincts. A friend once told me a great story about the differences between how adults think and how children think and how it comes down to puddles. An adult sees a puddle and avoids it, a kid sees a puddle and within seconds is swimming in it. The fact that most kids don’t have a filter is what makes them so enduring.
Just the other day my son turns to me and says, “Dad, I want a moustache.” How awesome is that? A few hours later, I overheard him on the phone asking his cousin if he wished he had a moustache. I don’t know where it came from, nor does it matter, all I know is my 4 ½ year old wants to look like Magnum P.I. The other day, he (the Sam Elliot wanna be) and I had a great conversation about how I work at a radio station (Q107 with Derringer in the Morning).
It went as follows:
Travis: Daddy you work in radio?
Me: Yes I do, Daddy talks on the radio for his job.
Travis: How do you get in there every day?
Me: You mean, how do I get there every day? A car.
Travis: No, how do you get in there?
Me: I’m not sure what you mean, do you mean how do I get to the radio station?
Travis: No, how do you get into the radio every day?
Then it clicked, he thinks I literally climb into the little radio we have in the kitchen. How amazing??
Another great example on capturing the thoughts that bounce around a kid’s brain is through their home work. Travis brought home a paper where he fills in the blank the other day and it will never, ever leave my fridge.
My Dad’s name is Uncle Ryan. (Technically my first name isn’t uncle but he hears that all the time from his cousins)
He is 6 year old. (I am just north of 6 by about 31 years (but I act like I’m 6 most of the time)
He has light brown hair and brown eyes. (Atta boy, he knows I’m bald but he’s sticking up for his old man)
My dad likes to go to work. (True)
My dad’s favourite sport is hockey with me. (True)
His favourite TV show is hockey. (True, I also enjoy Three’s Company)
His favourite food is honey nut cheerios. (I’ll give him that)
My dad is the best at playing hockey (Very obviously true. Take that Wayne Gretzky, my kid says I’m the best)
I hope you have a great weekend, and if you see a puddle try jumping in it rather than walking around it. Think like a 5 year old!
sometimes kids can be my favourite people!
Aw, shucks. Kids really do say the darndest things, don’t they? This is awesome.
Love this, Uncle Ryan!