Today is Cam’s Lucky Birthday. He turns 9 on the 9th.
His last year of single digits. It’s such a cliche but seriously – where did the time go?
Every year on his birthday I secretly celebrate the anniversary of being a Mom.
I won’t get into how my life changed the day he was born because if you’ve had a baby – you know exactly what I mean.
It’s just a “little somethin” that he and I share. He made me a mom. I am forever grateful to him for that.
The day he was born I was grateful that my labour was only 2 hours. I didn’t miss a meal. I had breakfast at 8am, lunch around 11:30am, a baby at 5:28pm and then dinner at about 7pm. April 9th, 2001 was definately a good day.
The day he was born I was grateful that I could start shedding the 67 pounds that I had gained. I don’t have any pics of me pregnant. Or soon after his birth. I looked like a gigantic whale with sausage fingers and puffy cheeks. By the time he was 9 months old – all the weight was gone. I looked great. And was pregnant again.
I have often thought about how naive I was to life when Cam was a baby. When it was just the 3 of us.
Life was good. Great, actually. I got pregnant with Cam 2 weeks after I went off the pill. We moved into our first house when I was 5 months pregnant. Sean started a great new job the week before he was born. It was the first year maternity leave was extended to a year.
Labour was good. Delivery was good. He nursed like a champ. Slept pretty good.
I had a touch of “the blues” but nothing that 6 weeks time didn’t cure.
He was such a pretty baby with gorgeous red hair and big brown eyes, he was often mistaken for a girl.
He was an April baby. I HIGHLY recommend spring babies. By the time I was really ready and wanting to get out of the house the weather was perfect.
It was bliss. When I think back to that time – it really was bliss. I feel blessed that I enjoyed it as much as I did. Life was simple.
I never would have guessed that we would have been through (and made it through) all that’s happened, nine years and 2 more babies later. I was a totally different person back then. Sometimes I miss the old carefree me.
But I think I like this me better. I’m smarter, I’m more confident, I’m a better mom, a better wife. A little more vulnerable (either that or just willing to admit it now…not sure).
I’m a little rougher around the edges – I need to be as an advocate. I’m stronger than I ever knew I could be.
So while I celebrate the first 9 amazing years of my firstborns life – I also secretly celebrate 9 amazing years of motherhood.
Happy Birthday Gorgeous!
(couple of my fave pics from the past)
Christine, I remember visiting you in the hospital after Cam was born and despite just giving birth, and then staying up all night just to watch him sleep, you glowed with happiness, pride, and bliss. I don’t think I’d ever seen you more content, and it was something I felt every time I came over for a visit. You were such a natural mother. I can’t believe it’s been 9 years already. Many things have changed since that day, but one thing hasn’t- you’re the most amazing mom to all your children. Have a great celebration. Happy Birthday Cam!
Isn’t it amazing, Christine? I look back to 11 years ago and wonder who that woman was, how did she fill her time, and what did she possibly care about. Motherhood has taught me to be stronger and more generous than I ever thought I could be. What a gift. Happy Birthday to your big boy!
Christine – I don’t even know you but I think I worship at the alter of Christine! Another great post. Happy Birthday Cam!