So to continue my last post, here are the top four things said in my household.
4. Stop bugging, beating up, teasing, bully your brother/stop crying!
These variations all go hand in hand and are usually based on the tired factor of the offending brother. If Hud is tired and feeling particularly nasty he will prod and punch and poke and prey upon his brother for sport or to fill the gap of time until the ban on screen time is over. If Tasman is tired, he will bug and berate his brother, egging him into a mild slap or shoulder punch which allows the flip the waterworks switch to on to try to get his brother into trouble. After a couple years of this screeching, I have learned to ignore it. They are brothers. They should work it out.
3. We can’t afford it.
Steph and I are not good with money. Wait, scratch that, we are good at spending money, just not good at having it. We are hardly poor and by no means do our boys go without anything. Yet, we still scratch and claw between pay cheques and we do let the boys know that one extra download or heaping mound of frozen yogurt is just not in the cards at the moment. Recently Hud asked if we were poor and I wanted to toss him in the backseat, drive to one of the many government housing districts in Toronto and drop him off. No perspective at all. And totally my fault.
2. Clean up your pee!
My poor wife. Three males and one bathroom. Invariably, as I put my socks on in Hudson’s room in the morning, I hear her trudge to the one bathroom in classic half-awake stomp, sit down to relieve her full bladder and immediately jolt back up because she has sat in a tiny puddle of urine gathered on the toilet seat. I do my best to remove one male from the equation, but our firefighter boys, with their wangs barely out of their pants as they reach the toilet, often miss and forget to clean up after themselves at least once a day.
Whether it’s said in a moment of clear defense for spilling something or breathed in the slightly rounded ear of my wife before heading off to work, these three words are uttered, whispered and screamed many times during the day in our humble household. There are times when I plunked down on the couch and Tasman, finally resolved about his bedtime, slowly makes his way upstairs.
Before he reaches the top he will say “Hey Jason!?” (for some reason my five-year old likes calling me by first name).
“Yes?” I reply.
“I love you.” He says so earnestly.
And these are words I never get tired of hearing.
What phrases do you hear every single freaking day?
Oh, that #1 tops every list. Awesome!!
looooooove #1