‘I think I need to write about sex”
This sentence hung in the air when I uttered it to my wife who was plowing through season 2 of Downton Abbey in the bed next to me the other night. Considering this television show has replaced any chance at any action lately, I thought it fairly appropriate.
“You do what you have to do Jason..” She eventually replied, happily settling back into her show.
Damn you Maggie Smith!

People make jokes about married sex all the time. It is a constant lament during my post basketball beer and wing discussion as I am sure it is during my wife’s girl’s night’s out (three possessives in a row? Is that a record?). Truth is, it does occasionally go a little bit longer than I would like and I will remind my wife mostly in jest. It’s always a matter of timing and not desire, so I don’t take it too personally. I also understand the need to create the mood of intimacy and not take it for granted that just because I am standing at attention, she has to return the salute. That being said, we have also come a long way in taking advantage of situations by ignoring the mood setting and hopping on the sudden opportunity of time. It’s a balance that has evolved over our 15 years together.
So she has three more episodes to go and we are heading to cottage this weekend which has many cushy surfaces and three fireplaces.
Things are looking up.
There was no steak. But the forecast of hotness was fully realized.
I woke up this morning and thought…I haven’t read Jason’s sex blog yet….Like Tracy – my first thought was steak and bj day….but not everyone knows about that! HOpe the cottage was…umm….. hot?
Ha! You were the second person who brought that up to me tonight! Almost enough to leave it as is, I love a good showering.
Maybe you AREN’T getting it enough…your bio says, “please shower with him…” A Freudian typo? Lol
yes- I love the pun I think you must have made on purpose with going downton!
I can’t speak about married sex because I am not married but I can tell you i just love DA- we are watching it now on holiday and it is magnificent!
Funny, when the post was called “Going Downtown”, I thought this post was going to take an x-rated turn…..but I still love it anyway!!! Great perspective from the male point of view!!!
Love hearing the guys point of view! Good luck at the cottage with the coushy stuff – don’t forget counter tops work just as well – just saying;)
Great post, Jason. I am forwarding this one on to my husband!
Well, you know today is Steak & BJ Day, right? I’m just sayin’. (Heh.)
Hilarious! So good to have a married guy’s point of view! Have fun this weekend!