New blog. First
post. Here are the basics you’ll
need to know to follow this blog, my blog, on
nor am I a Mom. I am a Dad (and a
man, for the record). My profile
pic is not a mistake. I am not
lost. I am the Y chromosome to
your X’s, and I’m here to give you the alternative view on life as a
parent. The Dad’s view. At least as I see it.
experiences as a Dad to 16-month old “Pea”, an obvious alias I use to refer to
my beautiful, über-intelligent and super cute little girl. You’ll hear about the amazing things
she does and the challenges I face trying not to break her. It’ll be great. Does this mean I’m
the man? Literally, yes. But figuratively, no. Blogging about being a Dad, to an
audience that consists almost entirely of new, soon-to-be and veteran Moms is a weighty
responsibility and I plan on taking it seriously. You have my word.
in my early 30’s. I live in Mississauga,
which is in Ontario. I use… a lot…
of ellipses. I am sarcastic to a
fault. And you will probably find
spelling and grammar errors everywhere (this despite the fact that I work in
Communications and more or less write for a living).
better. Oh, and if there’s
anything you want my opinion on, let me know. I aim to please.
I… Love… Ellipses… Too… And I have a sense of humor that is so dry and sarcastic that some people don’t even get it and think I am just a b*$%#… Sounds like we have something in common!
I look forward to seeing a fresh perspective on here, I know having children has profoundly changed my husband (for the better), and it will be interesting (and a little scary!) to take a peek inside a Daddy’s experiences. I know what I can see at home, but the inside of a man-mind is just completely unfathomable to me, a mere woman… Maybe I should check out your other blog as well. Welcome!
Welcome to the urbanmoms family, Shawn! Looking forward to getting to know you better through this blog.
Thanks for coming along Julie! And since I know you have a penchant for incorrect use of the language, I will make sure there is at least one grammar, punctuation or style error in each of my posts. Consider it your very own Easter Egg hunt!
(For everyone else: yes, this is a thinly veiled rationalization of my grammar errors.)
Thanks everyone for the well wishes and welcomes!
How exciting to have a male’s perspective. I can’t wait to read about your views on raising your beautiful daughter!
I can deal with ellipses, but commas and periods MUST go inside quotation marks at all times! This means that “Pea,” is the correct, not “Pea”. (I’m serious, check CP Style if you don’t believe me.)
Insane grammar comments aside, you know I’ve been following your,Pea blog since launch and now I am looking forward to following you here as well. Such a great addition to! 🙂
Looking forward to the views, opinions, ellipses and a glimpse into this dad’s psyche.
Can’t wait to get into the psyche of a new dad! Looking forward to reading your posts.
I look forward to reading more of your thoughts.
You are definitely The Man now, Shawn. Great first post! Can’t wait to hear more.