“If you have it, you don’t need to have anything else and if you don’t have it, it doesn’t much matter what else you have, it is not enough.” JM Barrie
What, in your opinion do you think he was talking about? Or more importantly, what would this be for you? Good health? A wonderful childhood? A second bathroom? Grace? A short and a long strand of pearls? Good manners? A healthy RRSP? A good breakfast?
Tell me…..
you are so right!
I agree with you both entirely! Health all the way
I have to go with Karbyn here and say ‘health’….especially reminded of this week when thinking about Maddy…
can’t believe I am the first to comment .. really?
The case could be made for many things … love, family, or ya a 2nd bathroom!!
I think the thing at the top of my list is good health. If you are healthy, you have time to find or figure the rest out (money, happiness, etc). If you don’t have the rest of it, and you don’t have your health, you don’t have the time to find it.
“The first wealth is health” – Ralph Waldo Emerson