When I was a kid I never understood those people you would read or hear about who hated Christmas. How could they? Christmas is the best.
Now I get the grinch factor. There is the unrelenting nauseating consumerism, the opportunity to think about what is missing, the extreme loneliness for people, the sadness about who is not with you and the insistence from the media that you are just not doing Christmas right.
I stubbornly hold onto what I love about it- otherwise you give the goodness over to something that does not deserve it.
I have a few things I do that help me-
-Every night in December I turn off all the lights except the tree lights and sit with a cup of tea. Maybe a little Christmas music is playing. Maybe it is silent.
-I make 20% of my presents. I didn’t say they were good.
-I bring all the Christmas books downstairs from the closet and we read one every night. These are picture books. My favourites are Harvey Shlumpfenburger’s Christmas and The Christmas Orange.
-I fill a basket and put it in my car. It has many tiny wrapped presents. Many have tags that are filled out but quite a few are empty- because in our lives we have so many people who make a difference that need to know it. As I travel through my day and see these people I thank them with a little gift and a card. This is the greatest feeling. If you want a real kick- give one to a complete stranger. It is fascinating to watch.
-When it snows, I never curse it. Never.
-I leave extra time to be better than civil with strangers. Extra time is precious so it is a little gift I give myself.
-I limit the crap that I buy. I won’t let the commercial side have my Christmas.
-I bake (not original) and share what I bake.
-My best friend keeps a snow shovel in her car. To dig out people stuck. She is a Christmas angel all year long. ( I don’t do this but admire it)
What do you do at Christmas that helps you?
i feel better reading your post. i feel like an underachiever around the holidays. i can’t seem to get my head around decorating. i know if we put lights up they would still be there next christmas. so, instead, i focus on the little things like you said. i bake the same shortbread cookies that my mom did (recipe on canada corn starch box!), i buy a couple of pointsettias for the living room, i write cards to my old friends around the world and send a holiday photo of my kids. i drink hot chocolate, sit by my fire….
I am sorry it will be a tough one for you- but you are smart to make the trip. Diversion is good. Thanks for all kind words and I will definitely hug Boss for you. best wishes, Nancy
i Nancy: Your Mom sent this along to me – you write so well – and so vividly about your remembrances of Xmas – and how it is now. Like Judy, will be alone for my second time – without Barry after 57 years since we first met- find the season difficult even though I will be out West with Mike and Lynn – So impressed with all that you do to celebrate – nice to start new remembrances and giving for your girls. Know that you will truly enjoy this year – you have done so well on your own – as a single mother with your own ‘business’. And when you see your Dad, give him a big Hug and kiss for me
good one Barb- and don’t forget the annual carolling together- let’s face it – this has been broadly misunderstood and underappreciated!
Thanks for reminding us about the simple things to do this time of year.
Our gang love the excuse to listen to or better still sing Christmas Carols and watch the good old Christmas Classics. The CDs are on and “videos” (not DVDs as they are classics handed down through the years) are playing as of Dec 1. From Rudolf to Its a Wonderful Life…. favourites with the old and the young!
good one Jen- we did that many years ago and I remember how great it felt on Xmas morning to know about the other family’s joy. xox me
I love the vision of you in front of the tree with a warm cup of tea. Awesome. I also love the basket of gifts. What a fabulous idea.
We “adopt” a family in need over Christmas. We buy gifts for each of them and write cards of Holiday Wishes. This makes it personal and helps my kids understand that many families do not have what they have and that they can make a huge difference with a small gesture.
The Holiday Spirit!