A visit to the Greater Toronto Area wouldn’t be complete without a day trip to Canada’s Wonderland. My kids waited patiently until well past the half-way mark in our visit to Toronto to check out Canada’s biggest outdoor amusement park, but boy, was it worth the wait!
We went on Friday, and because it was clear, hot and sunny we expected the park to be packed! With long lines in mind, we got there early (it opens at 10:00 a.m.) and rushed through the measuring process (anyone under 5 feet is measured and gets a colour-coded wristband denoting which rides they are allowed to ride). Both my girls were thrilled to make it into the height categories they were aiming for: my little one easily made purple and my oldest barely squeaked into orange with the help of a pair of high-ish heeled runners! Once we were measured and ready to go, we headed over at a fast clip to the Behemoth, Wonderland’s flagship ride. The two older kids and I lined up for a mere half-hour (less, I think) to get on this incredible high-thrill roller coaster. Here’s a shot of the kids just before we boarded:
I must admit, I found the g-forces a little overwhelming, and when the kids talked me into riding it a second time later on in the afternoon, I wasn’t keen to follow them through on their third ride.
But Behemoth wasn’t the only big ride we conquered that day; we were super lucky that, despite the super weather, the park was absolutely uncrowded. We never waited longer than 20-30 minutes for any ride, and in fact we essentially walked straight on to almost every ride that we cared to tackle in the park.
My younger daughter, at 7, was wearing a purple wristband, which enabled her to get on many of the big coasters for the first time. Here she is preparing to board the Mighty Canadian Minebuster (a real, old-fashioned wooden coaster) for the first time:
And here’s the ride itself (beware, it’s a bit bumpy…)
Probably my biggest thrill for the day was the Drop Tower, a 230 foot drop straight down from the top of the 23-storey tower! Free falling at more than 100km/h, this ride is literally breathtaking! Here we are just boarding, before the heart-stopping 16-second trip to the top (it only takes 3 seconds to get back down!):
You are brave!! My oldest is raring to go on the Behemoth and I don’t think I can do it!!! Our kids love Wonderland.
You can get a handstamp and leave the park, and still get back in. So, we pack a picnic lunch and leave it in a cooler in the car. At lunch time, we head out to a grassy area, eat lunch and then go back to enjoy more rides. Saves a TONNE of money!
sounds like you are having a great time in Toronto. How awesome. Have you checked out any conservation areas? My favorite: Kelso Conservation Area….great beach and only 30 minutes from the city. http://www.trca.on.ca