My son is turning 8 years old this weekend and while there will be many presents to unwrap, I hoped to give him something he will never outgrow. Over time, toys will lose their appeal and clothes will shrink against his growing frame. I hope when the things we buy lose their relevance my words will still mean something, so I’m writing this letter.Dear Liam,
This is supposed to be your present, but you should know that in my life, you have been the greatest gift. You unwrapped my destiny with your little baby giggle. I never imagined I could feel so alive on so little sleep. I never dreamed I could hope for the future again so fervently, for your future. I could hardly guess at all the things I would do to make you smile. All the times I complained about playing the pick-up game, I failed to recognize the number of times you would pick up my heart after it had fallen on the floor.I set out to be your cheerleader, but you turned out to be mine. You reminded me when I was overwhelmed “You can’t pull a bunny out of a hat, mommy.” And you were right. You believe in me the way I believe in you but remind me to exercise self-compassion. You are wise beyond your years.
You take responsibility for other people in a way I never expected. The time you asked me to take you to the food bank, I thought you were complaining about the state of our fridge, but you wanted to help save the hungry babies. You get mad every year that we have to keep raising money to get water for Africa and every time you fundraise, you genuinely expect that you have solved the problem once and for all. You are full of hope and it replenishes my sense of optimism that has been jaded by too many years of being an adult.
You smile and it’s contagious. You laugh and my heart overflows. I am so excited to watch your big dreams unfold. I love how big you dream. I’m proud of you like you’re proud of me and I’m thankful for every day of my life with you. I taught you how to walk, but you taught my heart to fly.
I can’t believe it’s been eight years. Whenever I think I’ve got this motherhood thing figured out, you find some new way to remind me how much more there is to learn. I look forward to all the excitement the coming year will bring; another blessed year of being your mom. Thank you for loving me and for being my son.
Love always,
Your Mom
Moms, if you could write any letter, what letter would you write to your kids?
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