Growing up I always felt really sad for those kids who weren’t close to their cousins. Throughout my childhood and now in my adult life, my extended family is very important. I think I am closer to some of my cousins than many of my friends are to their siblings!
It’s funny because my cousins my sisters and I have this connection and it is our common history that binds us so closely. Our grandmother’s laugh and loud voice is something many of us share. The height and gate of our grandfather is evident too. My grandmother’s “picket legs” have been passed down to some and we comment and admire and tease each other about these traits that we share with a pride of belonging in our strong family tribe.

It started in the days of black and white photos and Kodak Instamatics.
They were there through the awkward preteen years.
And we were together even when new ones came along
(believe it or not, that baby is now a dad himself!)
This past week two of my cousins, my younger sister and myself got together for an evening out and then a few days later, with the larger family for my cousin’s (the little girl in the pic above) baby shower. It was just like old times…sort of.
Here we are, all growed up!
But here is what I see. It is all very familiar. Kids playing in the pool, moms and dads and grandmas swimming. And others chatting and laughing and catching up poolside. The only difference? WE are now the mommies, or soon to be, and it is our kids swimming and playing together. We are finding connections between them and their great-grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins.
The torch has been passed. A whole new generation of family fun.
I am so fortunate to have such a close family bond and to pass that legacy on to my children. Are you close with your family? Are your kids?