Suffice it to say, I have not been keeping up my end of the bargain in the movie review department. I would have to actually see some movies to do some movie reviews. You see I have been a bit distracted. Let’s start from the beginning…(I swear it won’t take that long)
My hubby started a new job in Jan 2008, & it has been demanding to say the least. 14-16 (& sometimes 18) hour days. 6-7 days a week (I can’t even remember the last time he had a 2-day weekend). We live in LA with no family around, & the schedule has started to wear on me. So much so that about a month ago, out of the blue, my Mom informed me that she was going to come out to “help” me for a week or so (they were just here in Feb). “Help” is basically code word for “keep Margot from going off the deep end.”
Anyway, I just dropped my Mom off at the airport after a wonderful 11-day visit with her. She was here to celebrate my baby guy’s 1st birthday. She was here for preschool drop-offs & pick-ups. She was here to (mercilessly) allow me to go to my annual physical without a baby in tow. She was even here for a little impromptu vacation of sorts. You see, somehow at my little guy’s 1st birthday party she got it in her head (with some clever planting by the neighbours) that we should upgrade our day at Disneyland to a stayover at the Disneyland Hotel. After a bit of convincing (I was the convincee, Grandma was the convincer), we made our reservations & trotted off for two (exhausting) days of Mickey Mouse, rides, gift shops (with Grandma in tow they are deadly), swimming, pina coladas, & frankly the break from the everyday that I didn’t even know I needed. It was fabulous to do a vacation in, basically, our own backyard.
Mickey Mouse welcomes us with open arms (check out the rest of our pics over at The Urban Traveler)
Best of all, she was here to allow my hubby & I some alone time. We were able to go out 4 times (surpassing our total number of dates for the whole previous year…yes that’s sad). But the funny thing was that we didn’t see any movies. My hubby & I love to see movies. But these outings were more about rekindlings. Rekindling the friendships with our friends that have been far too neglected over the last year & a half (two-dinners out with friends, & a harbour/dinner-cruise with new friends from our son’s preschool). Most importantly we rekindled our own friendship. We laughed & talked about our future. We made arses of ourselves (as we so often do) & pretty much didn’t care. We made plans for upcoming vacations. We talked about the boys. Basically we talked, which is frankly hard to find the time to do these days. It was wonderful, but we promised each other that we will go back to our love of the movies & get out of the house (even if it is once a month) to a new movie at the theatre. So, I have a call in to the babysitters & a few more date nights on the horizon & maybe (just maybe) an actual movie review for all of you in this little movie review column. Thanks for your patience all.