The Girl turned five last week. For her birthday gift, she wanted to get her ears pierced and we agreed.
I had heard good things about Caryl Baker Visage for childrens’ ear piercings. They’ve got these earrings that are nearly impossible to remove, and their employees have some training with kids. We had a great experience at the Fairview Mall location (Toronto). Our attendant, however, underestimated the tough nature of my daughter.
Before the piercing, she informed me that I should hold the Girl because she will probably sob and try to bolt from the store. I replied, “She’s been waiting for this her whole life; there’s no way she’s going anywhere.”
As promised by me to the Doubting Piercer, the Girl sat quietly for the procedure, uttering merely a quiet “Ow.” When finished, she asked, in the most matter-of-fact tone, “Are you done? I need to go buy make-up now.” A lip gloss was the other promised birthday treat.
I don’t know who had more fun on the birthday outing – me or the Girl. Some new sparkly earrings, a Godiva chocolate to ease the pain, and some shiny pink lip gloss for my spunky lady.
Here’s the Girl just prior to piercing:
And here she is modelling her new bling:
I had my baby’s ears pierced today with Jen of Caryl Baker Visage Lambton Mall at Sarnia. The shop was clean and inviting was very professional. She made sure to describe the procedure, so we know what to expect. Each piercing was fast and painless. My baby cried out loud for a few a minute or two. I guess, she was more frightened by the sound rather than from the pain. Although they specialize in baby and child piercing, they also got a wide selection of ear piercings for teens and adults.
Thats amazing i am 15 years old getting my 2nd piercings on both ears going to caryl baker visage in farivew! I am nervous but by the sounds of it, it is a piece of cake! This helped alot
So so cute!!! Brave girls. Waaaah….cries the mom of boys who will never do this (I hope I guess….)
Look at her go! What a great mom/daughter moment to go and get ears pierced. She’s a trooper – I don’t think Suvi will be that chilled when she decides to get hers done!
Happy Birthday to the Girl!
i got my ears pierced as a teenager and cried and still remember how much it hurt! (don’t ask me how i did a natural childbirth at home!)
good for her! looks very nice 🙂
My daughter was the same way, Amreen! She went with a pal who cried and hesitated for ages and then cried after. She was so scared! Poor thing. My little trooper sat there, arms crossed over her chest as if to say “bring it on!” and when they pierced her ears she immediately proclaimed, “that didn’t even hurt”. Such strong girls!