I went to hear someone speak the other night on the effects of stress on children and teenagers as it has been a lot on my mind lately.
A most interesting thing was said and I wanted to share it with you. When your child goes through any kind of difficulty-and this can range from medical issues, behavioural, bullying, social issues, crime, or even just a period of social ostracism – the classic thing for the mother to do is drop all of the extras in her life.
She may play bridge, golf, tennis, scrabble or water polo. She gives it up.
She may run, swim, ski, mountain climb, social climb, snowshoe and skate. She stops doing.
She may go to book club, the movies, the opera, the museum and church. Now she stays in.
This doctor stood up and said to all of us- “Go back and do your things.” This is when it is most needed. You need the injection of the outside world for your sanity, your perspective, your wisdom and your health.
It reminded me of the perfect metaphor- the mom is on the airplane with her children and the oxygen masks drop due to the low levels in the cabin. She scrambles to give it to her children. But as they have told us – you must give to yourself first.
good flip, smart girl. And also important. xn
that’s a great analogy Nanc – and very wise words. on the flip – i remember when my mom was sick and she forced us all to go back to things we were doing – said it made her feel better knowing we were and it was good for us.
good analogy. don’t want the plane to crash!
So, so, so true… great reminder, Nancy!